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Posts posted by jprice

  1. well....

    i tried to update to the new version of the updater (3.0)

    i installed the kb patch

    i have reset the dlls for the wid update client

    i have removed/reinstalled the update client

    i have reset the folder mentioned above....(and yes you can delete it or simply clear the cache in it...it gets rebuilt auto.)

    i have run updates and patches and batch files and new installs and SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....nothing is working.

    ms wtf.....my sus server is on a 2k box and the updater3.0 requires 2k3 so that is my next prayer...

    so plan of attack is to try and update the sus server and the clients again with the 3.0 and kb patch but good grief ms can we get a little help....

    does anyone have any other suggestions...i would greatly greatly appreciate any info? thanks

    ps...if you have this problem and havent found the other 1,531,744 pages of people having the same issue offering the same advice i will gladly share the batch files i have...some computers they have worked perfectly on, some it took runninng more than once and then there are some it didnt work on at all...just didnt want to bloat the post unless requested....thanks.

  2. Cluberti - Thank You.

    After reading your last post I read up on your suggestions and feel pretty confident YOU have found the solution. It's amazing how much of a difference "lag" "hang" "stuck" and "DELAY" can make. I guess you really should choose your words wisely. (LOL)

    http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=901196 (You can find the suggestion here...no need to retype, correct?)

    What I did to double check was....

    Step 1. I opened the app and let it stay open for at least a minute and a half. After that I closed the app and everything worked as should. According to the MSKB article it has to do with the userinit.exe process.

    Step 2. Just to try things out I disabled the Autoenrollment Policy and that took care of the issue without having to wait the minute and a half.

    Problem is pretty much solved.


    I know that you suggested the registry key addition but I have a quick question regarding that.

    The KB doc states the key as a resolution and the autoenrollment switch as a work around but since we know that the solution is connected with the auteenrollment switch should I still create this key? (Considering they say we shouldn't use the key in a "production environment".)

    I will test this but you may know right off hand...will the key correct this without disabling the autoenrollment?

    Thanks for your help. I appreciate your posts and you taking the time to help out!

  3. Actually nothing out of the norm. There are the normal windows processes plus the application that is being used. And while I watched, the process for the application actually closed when the user closed it but the Term Serv connection still stayed up showing just the blue background. (term serv desktop without icons).

  4. I can't really elaborate but that is correct.

    It is the reason that I am having to upgrade my server from 2K to 2k3 right now as we speak. ( I have a thread about term serv hanging).

    The application that is being used has some new features that are color specific and on my 2k box you can't see them so I am moving everything to 2k3.

    Sorry I couldn't offer a solution but I am confirming your issue.

  5. Got terminal server setup on 2003 and everything "almost" works fine.

    When the end user closes the application on the client side the connection hangs for about 60 seconds before disconnecting. If I RDP into the box it disconnects when I log off with no issue. Has me scratching my head.

    I have played with the registry. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app as well as removed and setup Terminal Server several times using different settings each time and still no luck. I have even setup terminal server on a different system running 2003 and built client setups on different dumb terms to rule out the boxes. The problem still follows.

    I'm down to thinking its an issue with the application itself but before giving in wanted to know if anyone else has seen this and/or does anyone have any suggestions?



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