About Geej

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XP Pro x86
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Simply love this dance track. Sean Kingston - Fire Burning Also this same song danced in xbox video is cool... (Hard level)
You could add this code in Launch.bat to detect win7 as you did for earlier OS version. (and remove those few lines using systeminfo command. ver | find "6.1" > nul if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto ver_7 For win7.bat, I made these small changes @ECHO off CD %~dp0 <-----new code CD.. CD "apps/winrar/" ECHO Installing WinRAR start "winrar" /wait winrar.exe /s <-----modify code cls ECHO WinRAR Installation completed ! Note: I tested under VM win7x86 with winrar.exe only. (I have admin-right with UAC enabled) I still get UAC warning prior to install winrar.exe If I allow to install, Winrar installed successfully. Cheers
Implementing Reader Mode
Geej replied to Glenn9999's topic in Programming (C++, Delphi, VB/VBS, CMD/batch, etc.)
Maybe it is call DoReaderMode and can be found in Comctl32.dll ? -
I have some limited knowledge for Adobe reader 9 registry entry. You can inspect the registry location in the following inf first. The inf is to restore Adobe reader 8,9,10,11 to a uninstallable state if some pdf program breaks Adobe reader install/uninstall routine. I strongly suggest before you 'right-click' the inf, and select 'Install', do a manual backup of these registry location in case you wish to restore back to where you are before you run this inf. (Your milegae may varies) The registry location I said to make a backup are in the INF. After run the inf, use Add/remove panel to remove Adobe reader 9. (I assume you can still launch the Adobe Reader 9 uninstaller) Hopefully it will works. RestoreAdobeRdr9.txt Rename RestoreAdobeRdr9.txt to RestoreAdobeRdr9.inf ;Restore Adobe Reader 9 [Version] Signature=$Windows NT$ [DefaultInstall] AddReg =REGEntries.AddReg [REGEntries.AddReg] HKLM,SOFTWARE\Classes\.pdf,Content Type,0x0,application/pdf HKLM,SOFTWARE\Classes\.pdf,,0x0,AcroExch.Document HKLM,SOFTWARE\Classes\.pdf\OpenWithList\AcroRd32.exe,,0x10 HKLM,SOFTWARE\Classes\.pdf\OpenWithList\AcroRd32.exe,,0x0 HKLM,SOFTWARE\Classes\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/pdf,Extension,0x0,.pdf HKLM,SOFTWARE\Classes\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/pdf,CLSID,0x0,{CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000} HKLM,SOFTWARE\Classes\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/vnd.fdf,Extension,0x0,.fdf HKLM,SOFTWARE\Classes\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/vnd.fdf,CLSID,0x0,{CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000} HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PreviewHandlers,{49400A7C-81A8-4F52-8CCE-D54739EE87EC},0x0,Adobe PDF Preview Handler HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PreviewHandlers,{DC6EFB56-9CFA-464D-8880-44885D7DC193},0x0,Adobe PDF Preview Handler for Vista
Yeah! Great tune, won't get sick for a long long time... Here is another one : The Band Perry - If I Die Young
Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know (feat. Kimbra)
updated to v8.0.17396
How can I install a .inf file from the command line?
Geej replied to lucky2007's topic in Application Installs
This article says "DefaultInstall sections must not be used for device installations. etc" in the 'Remarks' heading. It also says try calling using InstallHinfSection. But also this article says as long as there is an INF Manufacturer section, it generally will also work. We have the section in tplcd.inf [Manufacturer] %Lenovo%=Lenovo,NTx86,NTamd64 Perhaps we can try calling InstallHinfSection on commandline (w/o using infdefaultinstall.exe) rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection D:\@Drivers\$T500\$Common\Video\LCDMon\geoi02w8\tplcd.inf Above are just pure guess on my part. -
objShell.Run issues...
Geej replied to Falcor's topic in Programming (C++, Delphi, VB/VBS, CMD/batch, etc.)
How difficult is the single line batch/comand using WMIC I posted in post 21? Certainly not hard at all. I always have this "WOW' or "awesome" feeling for a single line code. I wonder why David Wang comes up with such a confusing method using batch. He certainly confuse me -
objShell.Run issues...
Geej replied to Falcor's topic in Programming (C++, Delphi, VB/VBS, CMD/batch, etc.)
Sorry if my code is wrong. I was just trying to relate the cmd logic directly into vbscript when I look harder at the cmd code. Seems like Obj.AddressWidth method is much easier in vbscript. (in Post #20) vbscript is not something I look or consider scripting as my first choice of language, also there are always so much to learn... Cheers -
objShell.Run issues...
Geej replied to Falcor's topic in Programming (C++, Delphi, VB/VBS, CMD/batch, etc.)
bphlpt is right in David Wang's case. I realise I got it wrong. Base on bphlpt's post #10 detection logic and also Yzöwl's post #18 batch logic, and using GSM post #11 code but slighly modify, I think the vbscript should look like this: Dim Act :Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Dim SysVar : Set SysVar = Act.Environment("System") If SysVar("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") = "AMD64" OR SysVar("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432") = "AMD64" Then WScript.Echo "x64 OS bit" else WScript.Echo "x32 OS bit" End if -
objShell.Run issues...
Geej replied to Falcor's topic in Programming (C++, Delphi, VB/VBS, CMD/batch, etc.)
Since David Wang post caption is "HOWTO: Detect Process Bitness" and bphlpt also quoted from his post it is "The logic that I use from a program to detect whether the OS is 32bit or 64bit looks like this:" So here we have a conflict of information from his post. However, MSDN post is that PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 is an environment variable use in 'WOW64 Implementation Details (Windows)' Here is another quote ss64.com where he quoted David Wang post too. (But look at the title: it is 32 bit or 64 bit process detection) Hence the batch file is really a process bitness check, not OS bitness. Just to lighten this discussion, MS also provide an article how to determine whether a computer is running a 32-bit version or 64-bit version of the Windows operating system. The best part of it is in the 'Next Steps'. (Call support if unsure, LOL) Regards -
@allen2 The Op just want an example "a way to give the executable a path to extract to, and do so silently." I just provide some sample for him. Not a specific config.txt He can always adjust at his end what he wants etc etc etc Cheers