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  1. I suggest you reread the "Terms of Use" at SourceForge. SF only hosts projects with OSI-approved licenses. If you don't intend to license it under one of these licenses or don't intend to publish the sources from the beginning, you should not register a project there. All at SourceForge is about open source in the first degree and not binaries.
  2. Sorry to insist, but why? This is no fair use of SourceForge's services.
  3. Sorry to ask, but where can I find the source code?
  4. what is a /Dnetfxsp1 switch?/D defines the working directory where START should execute the msiexec. "netfxsp1" is the directory where the SFX will unpack the .NET-stuff. The SFX will also create directories for langpack, HighMat and so on. And this way every directory will be handled separately.
  5. Yes, you are right. Actually the script is not installing the stuff itself, but creating an SFX-file that can be used to do all the installs when it's executed. This way it compresses much better than individual archives and can easily be extended to include even more stuff. No, the code is complete. EOF means "End Of File" and is a predefined label in the batch interpreter. This goto-statement is comparable to an exit-statement, but because I use a subroutine-like block, this special trick is needed.
  6. Not directly. You can't integrate it to the installpoint of .NET (as far is I know) but you can create an own installpoint for it and pack both into one sfx. Here is a version that I use to also include JViewer and HighMAT into the same SFX so they all compress better. Just put your langpack.exe in the same folder as described in my guide and create this batch file as make.bat: If you want to also include JViewer and/or HighMAT just copy JViewer.exe and/or Q831240.exe to the folder and the batch will automatically include them to the netfxsp1.exe.
  7. The approach posted from Kaspin should do the trick: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=25118 It will only install the Control Panel and SmartGART through RunOnceEx if an ATI card has already been installed through Windows-Setup. Similar approaches I use to install tools that are only needed if some special hardware is present. For me it works fine.
  8. Hmm, actually it should be the other way round. An msiexec.exe from SP1 should run on both SP1 and SP2. But the msiexec.exe from SP2 only runs on SP2.
  9. OK, I made some more tests on an XP-SP2-install and everything runs fine so far. Would be nice if XP-SP1-users could test this out. Here is a small guide how to create your own: Get the .NET framework v1.1 re-distributable package and put it in some folder. Get the .NET framework v1.1 SP1 update and put it in the same folder as above. Get 7-Zip and install it. Open up the folder where 7-zip has installed itself to and grab the 7za.exe and 7zS.sfx files and copy them to your folder. You can deinstall 7-Zip now if you want. Get the UPX-package (Win32 console version), unpack it and copy the upx.exe to your folder Get the StartX-package, grab the StartX.exe out of the archive (you find it in the 'Release' folder) and move it to your folder. Make a new batch-file in your folder, name it make.bat and paste the following text into it: Now you should have the following files in your folder: 7za.exe 7zS.sfx dotnetfx.exe make.bat NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe upx.exe StartX.exe Start the make.bat and wait 2 minutes. At the end you should have a netfxsp1.exe in your folder with a size of about 11.3 MB. You can run this standalone file through svcpack.inf or any other batch without any commandline switches. But if you use a batch instead of svcpack.inf you should use the start-command:
  10. Sure. I currently test it on an unattended svcpack.inf install. If everything runs fine, I will post an updated guide.
  11. OK, the impression that the installation takes longer was bulls***. They both seem to take quite long. I just tried the last idea with the 'bridge-exe' and it also seems to work fine. The resulting .exe is 60kB bigger, but I like the idea to use the most up-to-date msiexec that the system can use.
  12. The approach to use msiexec.exe from an XP-SP1 seems to work. I just tested such package on an SP2 XP-machine. But the installation seems to take much longer. I will test it more extensively tomorrow. Another solution might be to use a 'bridge-exe' to fire up the msiexec of the system where the package currently get's started.
  13. @koszopal I tried it with the german langpack and the 7z-method downsized the file from 1.37 MB to 670 kB. Here is the batch I used: Simply put your langpack.exe and this batch-file in the same folder as described for the .NET-SP1-method. After you have run this batch, you should have a 'langpack-new.exe' in your folder.
  14. There is no -y switch. Just call it without parameters.
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