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About craigdh

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  1. I don't think you intergrated them right, Try: * Download your mainboard driver setup from the NVIDIA website, than right click on the setup, choose "Extract to 6.86_nforce_win2kxp_international_whql" or what ever your setup is called. Wait until the extracting is done. then with nLite click the insert button, then select the newly created folder of your extracted mainboard drivers and it's done. * Repeat the same steps for your graphics driver setup. After it's all done there shouldn't be any problems.
  2. WOW, that seems really complicated, you'd think nLite would be designed better so you can just drag the .reg file into a section and it's done...
  3. Hello, with nLite where abouts do i add my own registry tweaks.. and how? Please explain
  4. Hello, i just wont to know is 7-Zip the same as WinRAR ?
  5. Hello guys, I have just made a Custom OS (XP Home), i made it specifically for Gaming, most of the pretty Appearance features are gone, Some good Registry Tweaks, Classic login mode, and lots of Components removed and some services also removed. The services left are just for Printer/Scanner, Sound (Codec) and the essential to make it run stable and efficient. Unfortunately i have two minor adjustment to make, they are only very small; in fact i am using the same OS right now. The adjustment are some Classic start menu Items and one Appearance feature left on. I am new here so i do not know your policy on Uploading Custom OS and posting the Link here, but i will eventually upload it once it is 100% Completed. Post any request on add ons: Current add ons are: Firefox, Peer Guardian and CCleaner.
  6. and remove the rest... like the AGP Filters etc...
  7. I have 2 more things to run by you. * Ok, I downloaded the addons from nLite website, i added the rar folder they came in, to the addon section. Now will they install on my PC once i reformatt? do i need to edit some options to make them install. i have tryed other times but they do not install.. * When i get up to the Unattended page, do i need to change the "Unatteded mode" to make the addons install proper?, the default mode was hide pages..
  8. 12:03 AM
  9. I have two Users on my PC, what services would you advise me than?
  10. Anyone, Help... wow i love this community. So many nice and helpful people... Btw in Australia it is Reverse Meaning day today
  11. Problem: "Components Removel" - Directories. Ok, What does Directories mean?, and if i select it for the removel what will happen?; will it increase my System performance? Please Reply an answer, Thanks
  12. This is NLite HELP. Hello people, Could someone please assist me on a problem i am having with Removing Services, i obviously know how to remove them, but which ones to remove. I would like to slim down the services my PC uses; so i can use more resources on other applications, games etc... If someone could advise me on the MAIN services i should not remove (cause system fail, error etc..) that would be great. I also will list some things i use that might require some certain services: Hardware/General Printer (with scanner) Modem (Netcomm NB6) USB Logitech Headset USB Mouse Application/Games Ocasinaly Used: mIRC Windows Live msgr CD/DVD Burning software torrent downling software Adobe Reader MS Office Mainly Used: Games (Counter-Strike source, BF2, etc...) Teamspeak Ventrilo WinRAR Anti virus software PC Health stuff (ccleaner or anyother junk cleaner) You get the general idea of what i use... I dont do any music editing, or movie. I can servive without Windows Live msgr, mIRC... if the removed services for them will rwally speed my pc up..
  13. Thanks for your Help, i guess i am doing most things right know, they other times i was extracting them. But now everything seems to be good.
  14. Hi, i do not know what "Hardware Support" to remove from the Components Area. I will give you a run down on my SYSTEM and if you know what i should remove please Reply. AMD Athlon 64 3000+ NVIDIA Geforce 7900 GT/GTO 1GB of RAM Mother board is something like this: GYGBITE GA-K8....
  15. Ok, i hope someone can help me. ------------------------------------------ Problem: * Intergrating/Adding on addons - I download the addons from the nLite website, i insert them; but everytime i reformatt they are not added to the iso.. * Hardware Support (Component Removal Area) - In the Component Removal Area i do not understand some of the Discriptions about the Hardware Support Components, i do not know which ones to remove and which to keep. I'll give a Run down on my System (AMD athlon 64 3000+, NVIDA Geforce 7900 GT/GTO, 1 GB Ram, GIGYBITE GA-K8 something.. is my motherboard. I hope someone can please advise me on which ones to remove.. I also use a Printer and Modem(Modem is Netcomm NB6)
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