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Everything posted by sgufa

  1. tried to replace modified osloader.xsl but doesn't work. I noticed that in boot localization subfolder (root:\boot\en-us) there is no bootmgr.exe.mui as in the vista PE 2.0 boot folder. Also i've found the string "starting windows" with reshacker (strings section) in winload.exe in system32\boot folder. I've changed it and recompiled the executable, but when it loads windows tell me it's corrupt. Any ideas? P.s. sorry for my poor english
  2. Does anyone know how to modify the first string appearing with the white progress bar ("windows is loading files...") and then the string "Starting Windows" under the animation? Please help, thanks!
  3. gone on siginet.com... trying to download addons but the page cannot be found. someone can point me to the right way to obtain those files?
  4. I know but i'm finding slp key and oembios for sbs2003. Please help me in any way...
  5. Is it possible (even in PM) to get public installation keys for XP HOME, XP MCE and SBS 2003 (R2)? on M$ link i found only XP PRO and TABLET... Many Thanks
  6. Is it possible (even in PM) to get public installation keys for XP HOME and XP MCE? on M$ link i found only XP PRO and TABLET... Many Thanks EDIT: @Forum Admins - Please delete double post...Sorry
  7. anyone can send me or post here the last working fbwf files (ctp 5219 or later)?
  8. Hi all, flyakite's web bage shows up how to crate iso with cdimage cdimage.exe -lAIODVD -t08/23/2001,09:00:00 -b\AIO-DVD\BOOT\loader.bin -h -n -o -m \AIO-DVD C:\AIODVD.iso but not with mkisofs... Is it possible to have the same script with mkisofs.exe?
  9. where and how to insert the serial in msi (or mst)?
  10. Hi. I'd want to know how to decrypt encrypted hive files... anyone know the solution?
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