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Posts posted by ZombieDeath

  1. MinNtServicePackVersion = 256 means a minimum of service pack 1, not 2. (SP# * 256) But it'll still slipstream into a SP0 source without modifying anything. It may only apply to a live installation, even though service packs are supposed to be cumulative.

    Yes my mistake sp2 would be 512.

    I slipstreamed XP Pro gold with SP3 and XP Pro SP2 retail that was distributed by MS, and these are the difference for the i386 directory and subdirectories. These files were not changed by slipstreaming the service pack, they were changed by MS. RTM w/ SP3 retains RTM versions for these files and SP2 w/ SP3 retains SP2 versions, they were untouched.

    My source is a stock OEM cd and reflect the the same as what you've stated.

    tscupgrd.exe has been updated by SP1 and SP2, but in SP3 they've not decided not to include it at all, so any version of that file other than RTM shows an error in setuperr.log.

    There is a change related tscupgrd.exe in TXTSETUP.SIF i'm not exactly sure what the change means. But shouldn't the entry be deleted if it's not being updated/used anymore?


    tscupgrd.exe = 100,,,,,,,,3,3


    tscupgrd.exe = 1,,,,,,,,3,3

    Slipstreamed disks do not include a dotnetfx folder in the root of the CD. Retail CDs don't have cmpnents folder. Slipstreamed disks don't have updated tools in the Support\Tools from 08/2004.

    None of it makes a difference, your integrated install will be the same as any other.

    I agree that changes outside of i386 don't matter but discrepancies in i386 should be scrutinized.

  2. Where is your source? Quit spouting false info to our members. I just finished a test with Gold XP and SP3 checked everything that was added in SP2 i.e. security center, firewall, dx9.0c version all of it is there.... (as a matter of fact most of the dx9 files are updated to 10/31/2007.) MS did not purposly leave anything out.

    ALso note this test was done without ANY addons of any sort.

    I'm not using any addons either you can verify my results yourself.

    XP PRO (SP3 RC1 slipstreamed on SP2)

    08/03/2004 11:56 PM 49,795 GUITRN_A.DL_

    08/03/2004 11:56 PM 84,559 MIGISM_A.DL_

    08/03/2004 11:56 PM 67,301 MIGWIZ_A.EX_

    07/17/2004 10:40 AM 137,992 MMC.CH_

    08/04/2004 12:58 AM 325,490 MSRDP.CA_

    07/17/2004 10:40 AM 64,690 MSTSC.CH_

    08/03/2004 09:59 PM 116,694 MSTSC.EX_

    08/03/2004 09:59 PM 279,128 MSTSCAX.DL_

    07/17/2004 10:40 AM 27,798 RDSKTPW.CH_

    08/03/2004 11:56 PM 81,729 SCRIPT_A.DL_

    08/03/2004 11:56 PM 70,165 SYSMOD_A.DL_

    08/03/2004 09:59 PM 20,631 TSCUPGRD.EX_

    07/17/2004 10:40 AM 2,399 XPTHT41W.HT_

    XP PRO (SP3 RC1 slipstreamed on RTM)

    08/18/2001 03:00 AM 47,743 GUITRN_A.DL_

    08/18/2001 03:00 AM 82,325 MIGISM_A.DL_

    08/18/2001 03:00 AM 65,221 MIGWIZ_A.EX_

    08/18/2001 03:00 AM 137,992 MMC.CH_

    08/18/2001 03:00 AM 267,848 MSRDP.CA_

    08/18/2001 03:00 AM 64,448 MSTSC.CH_

    08/18/2001 03:00 AM 111,744 MSTSC.EX_

    08/18/2001 03:00 AM 225,772 MSTSCAX.DL_

    08/18/2001 03:00 AM 27,906 RDSKTPW.CH_

    08/18/2001 03:00 AM 75,183 SCRIPT_A.DL_

    08/18/2001 03:00 AM 62,103 SYSMOD_A.DL_

    08/18/2001 03:00 AM 19,673 TSCUPGRD.EX_

    08/18/2001 03:00 AM 2,365 XPTHT41W.HT_

  3. I have integrated it into both XP SP2 and Gold Ed... Both with no problems (only diff with sp2 is iso size)

    Of course the SP2 ISO size is larger it has a residual SP2.CAB but if you do a file compare you will find some files are not updated in the RTM slipstreamed to RC1.

  4. Thats odd doesn't your update.inf in the RC1 SP show the following under [Version]?

    MinNtServicePackVersion = 256

    But even if it doesn't restrict integration on pre SP2 then there are some files MS probably forgot to add.

  5. Oh, and I'm reading a few things that seem to be saying that SP3 RC1 integrates 'better' onto an SP1/RTM source image than on an SP2 image. Plain-old installing/upgrading an already running system works fine, it's the integration that is problematic. Anyone actually run across this?

    Quite the opposite the RC1 is configured to only integrate on SP2 unless you modify update.inf. Also a warning to people who force it integrate on SP1/RTM some files are not updated that were on SP2. I can't be certain these files are still used in the install but better to be on the safe side.

    The only complaint i have on integrating to SP2 is it leaves behind a residual SP2.CAB and win51ip.SP2 which are not needed anymore. Maybe thats the problem people are referring to?

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