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Posts posted by Justice

  1. I think I found the problem. Since this cd is a multi-os install I happened to check the other folders on the cd. here's the folder tree:


    The normal cd files are in the EN_WS03\ENGLISH\WIN2003 folder. \ENT for the Enterprise version, \STANDARD for standard.

    I happened to mis-click on the W3KE\ folder and found several files within, and one of those files happened to be a TXTSETUP.SIF file. So now I'm cross checking files between each folder and making sure they match in both areas. HOPEFULLY, this is cause of the problems.

  2. Okay... Here's the issue I'm running into: Just after Partition creation and format, it goes to copy files. The following shows up:


    And here's the winnt.sif file contents:















    FullName="Company Admin"

    OrgName="Company Name"















    I don't see a [sourceDiskFiles] entry at all, and I looked here but found no entry for it.

    Thanks for any help guys! I'm getting closer!

  3. I'm not trying to blame anyone for the problem, and I HAVE posted in the nLite section on this. [Look for the "Missing EULA.txt" post] I've grabbed the microsoft tool for creating the winnt.sif file and I'm in the process of trying that. I've compared both .sif files and noted a few discrepancies between microsoft's and nLite's .sif files. Also, the cd I'm using is an MSDN Windows 2003 cd, with both Standard and Enterprise versions on it, and it's employing some TOC tricks to keep 1GB of data on a 624MB cd. Who knows what this may be doing to the install process.

    [edit] I should probably clairify on MSDN cd. All I'm trying to do is create an SP1 slipstreamed server cd that prefill's my comapny's information. The original MSDN cd I have to base all of this from, has both Enterprise and Standard versions on it. Properties of the cd show that it's using a total of 624MB, yet if you do the properties of each install folder, each folder shows 545MB of data, which of course, isn't possible on a CD. I believe MS is doing some TOC tricks to have a single file appear to be in two different folders, or in this case alot of files appearing in two different places.

  4. Ok, I'm NOT wanting an unattended install. I will install everything manually. What I do want though, is for certain fields to already be populated when the appropriate screen shows up. I want to pre-fill the cd-key, user name, company name, and time zone. That's it, nothing more. How can this be done with Win2K3 and XP? I know back in Win98 I only needed to create a msbatch.inf file with the correct entries, and drop it in the cab folder. Is this possible for XP/2K3?

  5. I have a ghost copy, but if the new system cannot place the ghost on, then what next?

    Goin' to bed now, if I don't post again, I'm dead or the b*****d computer is dead.


    Ghosting to the Spare drive is so that you don't lose any of your data (If it's that important to you.) I mainly keep all important data on other drives so If I need to wipe the drive, I can and not fear of losing any data.

    Since it's been awhile since I posted, was it a sucess?

  6. I've swapped out a P3 mobo, with a AMD mobo and XP didn't have a problem with it. But then I've also had some that wouldn't even boot when doing a AMD to AMD swap.

    Backup all your data before the swap, just in case. Also, backup the registry. If you have a spare HD that you can ghost your system too, that's the best thing for backup.

    Next, before you power down and swap parts, boot into safe mode, go into the registry and delete the [HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum] entry. Shut down and swap the hardware. When you boot up to the new hardware, Windows will do a hardware search for all the new hardware installed. You may have to reboot several times and load drivers inbetween reboots. This *should* work in most cases. It has for all the times I've done it.

  7. Then their was the time XP decided to remove my entire profile...
    Remove your profile? There's no way XP did this on it's own, in fact there's no option for it anywhere. Sounds like spyware/virus or a 3rd party app of some kind. Perhaps the same faulty HD?

    Yes, it can. If there is a buton you can press in an interface screen to delete profiles, there's definately a way a software script can delete it.


  8. Hmm. Either the default fontsize is set too high, or, high visibilty mode has been enabled for the visually impared.

    Not sure how to turn high visibilty off (Used to be a keyboard shortcut trick), but if you have a wheel on your mouse, hold CTRL down and scroll the wheel up. That will change the font size for the webpage

    Anybody besides you have access to your pc recently? They might have turned the stuff up/on to play a joke on you.

    Also, try manually deleteing all cached files for IE.

  9. Oh, didn't know about that one...

    Anyways, I can't even think of a burning program that won't do bin/cue, iso, ...

    Actually, I stand corrected. I went to www.alcohol-soft.com to copy and paste their farewell message, only to find they have reversed their descision and are back up and running again.

    They were brought into the crosshairs after 321studios lost in court. I guess they found a legal loophole and re-opened their doors. This is good, since I am a paid customer of them.

    I don't know if blindwrite can do bin/cue files...

  10. What is the setup you have and are going to?

    If you are trying to get an IP from a router/gateway, verify the dhcp server is enabled on the device.

    If you are connecting straight to a cable modem, reset the power on the modem. Alot of cable providers have the modems set to only hand out IPs to the first MAC address that requests an IP. It takes a reboot of the modem to reset the MAC address.

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