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Posts posted by Daniel_Purton

  1. When i try to install Messenger, i get an error coming up that says

    "MSN Messenger setup has failed with error code: '1601'. Please go to the MSN Messenger Web site and download the software from there."

    Has anyone had this problem before? or does anyone have a suggestion?

  2. This might sound trivial but im finding it quite annoying. I just installed Win2k3 EE as a workstation and all is going well. but ive noticed that i cant drag objects with a left or right mouse click. this is really annoying when on the net and dropping an item into a download manager. is there anyway of turning this on, i cant find it anywhere.

  3. I've been having problems shortly after installing Windows Server 2003 enterprise edition. When i have connected to the internet i am constantly getting and error that says "windows must now restart because the remote procedure call (RPC) service terminated unexpectedly

    intialized by nt authority. Shutting down in 60 seconds" What does this mean, I looked through the help files but found nothin of use, does anyone have an idea?

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