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Posts posted by eray

  1. Hello all,

    I have been using nLite very successfully for over a year. I have gone through many different documets on the web, from Microsoft's KB articles, the great "Art of OEM", and the vernalex guide. None of these seemed to be able to help me resolve automatically building a list of third party storage drivers for sysprep.inf. I used the SPDrvScan.exe, and removed OemSetupPath from Sysprep.inf, but it doesnt seem to add the C:\WINDOWS\NLDRV paths where it dumps the storage drivers after an nLite session, only the PnP drivers. I run "sysprep -bmsd" and it adds a list of all the drivers from c:\windows\inf, but I have to manually go into the *.inf files and parse out the PCI\VEN codes for the actual hardware I am using as they are not added to the BuildMassStorageSection.

    Isn't there any easier way, or am I missing a step?



  2. I think this should be a pretty simple issue to resolve for any experienced Windows user, unfortunately, I am more of a Linux guy.

    I used the nLite setup to create an unattended setup, with drivers, sp, programs, etc. I created the bootable iso, but its not my intended use.

    What I am doing is copying the i386 directory to a network install server, which pxe boots my client and copies the i386 directory to the harddrive and then reboots into the Windows TextMode installer. Everything loads smoothly, until it gets to the Windows Setup screen and looks for a CD-Rom..

    What file/directive do i need to change to get the Windows Setup to look on the local drive?



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