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Posts posted by asm51

  1. Every month I create an Unattended XP with nLite, Bashrat's Driver Packs and various addons including all Net Framework. In October when KB953297 (Security update for the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1) came out I had a problem in that it would not install. I got over this problem by installing the Hotfix later in the unattended process.

    November's updates caused no problems and KB953297 still installed properly. However, in adding December's updates KB953297 has reared its ugly head again. Strangely the file sizes and file dates show that KB953297 is actually installed and it does not show up in Windows Update but it does show up in the systray Security Center shield icon. If I allow Security Center to install the update it downloads it and then installs it instantly and I don't see the icon again.

    Does anyone know of a small AIO DotNet 1.1 addon that includes KB953297 or can anyone suggest a method of telling Security Center that said Hotfix is installed or to ignore it?

  2. I've had this problem with KB943729 as well. The only version I can find manually installs OK but then appears on Microsoft Update again. Are there really two versions out there?

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