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Posts posted by CaptainPiracy

  1. Alright I keep posting here,

    Ok, I think I can use Taskkill to stopthe reboot,

    with the

    setup.exe /s /v"/qb"

    it pops up a "You Must reboot to finish the installation" window. If I end the task It does not reboot. it there a way I can use taskkill to waituntil the end of the installation and they kill the task?. The task is "MSIEXEC.EXE" 3 instances run during the install.

    Please Let me know.


  2. I have tried all the Possible Switches and discovered a few things but none end up working.

    the package is a Installsheid package with an MSI.

    So the Line:

    setup.exe /s /v"/qn REBOOT=R" Should work. However it does not. So I though Maybe it wasn't reading the Paramaters in the /V switch which is passed to the Msi installer.

    You can do this with any MSI, and Specify more than 1 /v so:

    setup.exe /s /v"/qn" /v"REBOOT=R"

    and the line is still valid.

    Anyway, i tried it all

    setup.exe /s /v"/qn" /v"REBOOT=R"

    setup.exe /s /v"/qn" /v"REBOOT=ReallySuppress" <--The Switch is really only the first letter after "REBOOT="

    setup.exe /s /v"REBOOT=R" /v"/qn"

    setup.exe /s /v"/q"

    setup.exe /s /v"/qn REBOOT=R"

    setup.exe /s /v"/qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress"

    And then nothing still works, and no program I have tried hae worked either.

    The REBOOT=R command does work with the Package. I tried it without the Silent install and it does not ask me to Reboot. However if I add in the /q switch it will reboot.

    This is really starting to frustrates me, I can get the MSI Package from the temp files and run a Msiexec command line install to make it work but that is a hell of alot more work, and switches. I'll give it a try if no one have any other Ideas for me to try.



    BTW this forum rocks, MSFN is one of the best sites I've visited in a good long while.

  3. I am having trouble with these installers

    "TMPGEnc 2.5 Plus" & "TMPGEnc DVD 1.5" From Pegasys with the switches

    setup.exe /s /v/qn

    The problem is that it reboots after the install is done even if I put in the following switches

    setup.exe /s /v"/qn REBOOT=Suppress"

    I Can't make it work, and I even extracted the Temporary files and in the Setup.INI it is actually supposed to suppress the reboot on it's own. I don't get it. Everything else is working great except that installer and the TMPG2.5 Plus installer. Both are from Pegasys.

    Anyhelp is Much appreciated.

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