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Posts posted by Chac.a.l

  1. And "DIRCOPY %wpipath%\example C:\ " goes where? Sorry for my lack of knowledge with this...

    Could you or kel explain to me how to "convert" this theme (for example to other stuff) nlite addon of Gorki to a WPI "language"?

    The .ini

    description=IllumeCG Theme
    title=IllumeCG Themes

    IllumeCG Theme=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,IllumeCG.inf,HIDE,7


    IllumeCG.inf = 100,,,,,,,20,0,0
    IllumeCG.cab = 100,,,,,,_x,,3,3



    The .inf

    CopyFiles =Theme.Files,IllumeCG.MsStyle,Shell.Normal,Shell.Gray,Wall.Files

    [IllumeCG Theme]
    OptionDesc =IllumeCG"
    Tip ="Theme"
    Modes =0,1,2,3
    CopyFiles =Theme.Files,IllumeCG.MsStyle,Shell.Normal,Shell.Gray,Wall.Files

    1="IllumeCG Theme Files","IllumeCG.cab",,"i386"

    Theme.Files =10,%THEME%
    Shell.Normal =10,%NO%
    Shell.Gray =10,%GR%
    Wall.Files =10,%WALL%

    Gray_ss.dll =1
    IllumeCG.msstyles =1
    IllumeCG.Theme =1
    Vineyard.jpg =1







    Inside of the .cab are the files:






    All these 3 files (.ini , .inf and .cab) are compressed by .rar that serves as addon for nlite...

    can someone help me?

  2. WPI can copy anything that dos can :)

    you only need to set the command1 to like copyfile (if you copy only one file ) or copydir (for directories) :)

    However you should know that you also need to patch UXtheme.dll :)

    Ok! thanks! that's what i wanted to know!! :D

    Yes... i'm thinking of doing the work with nlite to make the basics, like remove some stuff, some reg tweaks and some addons... and WPI for all other software and themes and whatever for the opcional instalation!

    Do you have or know of some king of tutorial so set that up? for those commands?

    Thank you very much for your help, it is being very useful!

  3. You got Nlite to do that ;)

    It chops down Windows XP installs Maximally and it patches Uxtheme.dll plus it can automatically add themes ;)(Visual Styles)


    Yes, i know that... and until now i was just usng nlite and somes times ryan's integrator... what i now want is to make those addons to be installed just if i want... and have options. With nlite the instalation of all the addons is automatic, what i wanted with WPI is to install just what i need/want from the addons that i put in the Windows cd...

    hope you can understand me.

    For example: i want to make a xp cd with and .net framework (from 1.1 sp1 until the 3.5, all separeted) but in some pc i just want to install 1.1 and 2.0 no more, on other pc i want to install 1.1, 2.0 and 3.5... because with nlite addon i will have to install for certain all the .net frameworks, just because they install autmaticaly. With WPI i can have the option to install just want i want (and when i want!) which is very good!

    Soory for my bad english!

    There for i wanted to know if WPI can, rather than install .exe or .msi, if it can "copy" .dll and other stuff like the theme addons!

  4. And that target folder should be the "Install" folder inside the WPI folder right?

    I've done (i think) just like the wpi site tells you so, my Windows Folder... has all the "normal" folders... the I386, etc... and to other... the $OEM$ (that o downloaded from the wpi site) and the WPI.

    I've notice that it really does some work, your tool, when i go for the WPI.hta it has there the nem files... but no sign of the software from the addon in none of those folders... just an unpacked stuff in the Addon Folder that you ask in your tool...

    Hope you can understand me... :blushing:

  5. Sorry! i should had donne a little translation like you did! :blushing:

    I went to the "official" site of the WPI, and it pretty much just talks around the exe's files and no other file types like .dll or jpeg etc...

    So what i can understand is that your tool is more for "transforming" the .inf (? or that text files) of the nlite addon language to the wpi "language" right?

  6. Hi! desde já os parabéns pelo teu trabalho nuno! E e bom saber que há tugas por estas bandas!

    Queria saber uma questão, que deve ser muito fácil mas como é a primeira vez que ando a mexer com o WPI... até agora tenho sempre andado com os addons para o nlite, e alguns outros tipos de ficheiros usando o Ryan Integrator. Gostava de saber se esta tua ferramenta funciona para aqueles addons que não são simples executaveis (.exe), até porque em quase tudo o que vi sobre isto é como .exe sem nada mais.

    Por exemplo instalar themes (visual styles) em que o addon faz é só transportar os ficheiros (jpeg,theme,...etc) para a pasta Resources... o WPI ou a tua ferramenta são capazes de fazer isto?

    Estive a tentar mexer em nlite addons para wpi addons mas não vi alteração dos .inf...


  7. Hi!!! i'm very newbie at this stuff, but can anyone telll me how to undo a regtweak, but without any kind of backup?! Or if the only way is by back up can you tell me of any light and easy way (would be perfect if almost automaticaly... :rolleyes: )

    You should've read Yzöwl's post first, it's the 4th post above yours.

    You simply cannot undo a regtweak, unless you have some kind of backup (previously exported key, restore point).

    If you know the exact tweak you've set you can change it back, but you have to know where it is and what it was set to.

    You can also export the key from another computer and apply it.

    Use a virtual machine and apply your tweaks in there if you're not sure.

    Apply them one by one and backup the key they're in before applying them.

    Regtweaks and the registry is not that easy if you haven't worked with it and know only a little.

    In many places (magazines, websites) you can read warnings about editing the registry, in some cases they have a valid point in that.

    Some of us have been configuring/tweaking and working with the registry for many years...

    Thank you very much! Simple and very informative!

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