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Posts posted by cublt

  1. i am trying to set up a raid0 using two 160gb raptor drives using the same mobo (chaintech vnf4 ultra amd). i can see and use the array fine when i am in a windows installation on another drive, but when i try to boot into the xp professional installation on the array i get the windows splash screen for a while then a blue screen stop error, then it instantly reboots.

    it allowed me to format the array after i used f6 to load the drivers off a floppy disc into the xp prof installation. it also installs windows fine. when i look at the details of the array from within the bios it looks like they are both on adapter 2, would that make a difference? it seems like the problem is in windows tho, right after the splash screen. maybe when it is trying to load the drivers? i have tried both the 6.66 and 6.86 drivers on the floppy disc with no success. any insights would be greatly appreciated!

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