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Posts posted by flapper0

  1. :thumbup

    WHOA! Wait a sec..

    I've got the WHOLE problem solved now!

    Once I realized that "Disk Drive" under section "Disk Drives" was where the device was 'mounted', I simply had to do an Update Driver (from its Properties box) and I specified that 'amateur' contribution that I claimed, in my initial post of this thread, hadn't applied. I refer to the driver found here

    Thanks again for the leg(s) up -- couldn't've done it without.

  2. Ok, I'm getting WARM. Thanks galahs, for I double-checked that and indeed Refresh from Device Mgr DOES pull up something! It's called simply "Disk Drive" and accustomed to other wording I had overlooked it. But W98 doesn't seem to want to allow me to specify a drive letter for it under the Settings panel. What to do now??

  3. What kind of computer do you have?

    Did you install the latest chipset drivers for your computer (in order to get USB devices running properly these drivers are important - even though there are standard drivers which are installed with Win98)?

    Do you have built-in USB or a USB PCI card.

    It's a Toshiba portege 7020CT w/built-in USB. Which chipset driver update specifically do I look for? the Intel USB Controller or something else?

    Yes galahs I tried Refresh from Device Mgr, also tried Eject to no avail on the MP3 device. Thanks for other advice. Yes, I'd found the Maximus Decim driver wouldn't install under W98FE (eg my balk of "ambiguities"). That other link is to a thread whose first post says jump to the last, and the thread is equally overwhelming with lame minutia and further URL citations... and the UBSTOR.SYS solution is untested, and I'm not sure to try it.

    As for biting the bullet mufunyo, 98SE costs, right? No, I am content but for the ONE itsy snag and want an expedient solution.

    If there is no known generic flash drive driver PER SE, then you could perhaps point me to the chipset driver updates & details.

  4. I sure do appreciate all the free downloads offered here to improve W98, but after pouring through a lot of these stickified topics, I am still not sure how to proceed. There is some ambiguity I think, and some downloads that aren't installers but only "builds', and several links that don't payoff.

    So let me ask explicitly. I have an older laptop that I wish to refurbish a bit and lend to some kinfolk. It is running W98 FE (version 4.10.1998). I have IE version 6 on it and I am generally quite content that it is a fully capable system. I may or may not have all the necessary security updates, but probably do, since I had visited Windows Update regularly back (years ago) when I was using this laptop every day.

    Really, I have only ONE single complaint now, and that is the fact that this machine handles removable USB storage devices so poorly. I have succeeded in getting an MP3 player/multi-device to operate OK but only because I explicitly installed the W98 driver that came with the device. Yet even so, I have to always reboot the dang machine, with the device plugged in and powered on, before my system recognizes and mounts it. Then, there is no way to remove it safely, and I have to either shut down to remove or do a risky live yanking of the plug. But even this is acceptable to me. The REAL dilemma is that (generic?) flash drives don't take AT ALL, and I've tried everything. The little power indicator light comes on but the system doesn't "see" the device at all. I've tried a couple of amateur touted generic drivers, such as the one offered here, but it doesn't do the trick (yes, it claims to work under W98, as well as W95).

    Now, I don't care if I have to download 30 megabytes, just to improve this one little problem. But if the download will transform my system into W98SE, then one concern of mine is will I have to start searching the internet for new drivers for the machine's OTHER peripherals, such as an external CD-ROM I sometimes use, and a SCSI PCMCIA adapter that I sometimes use, etcetera!?

    One of the bigger packages touted on of the stickified topics here (not sure which) mentioned inclusion of "updated USB drivers". I think that's all I need, but I'm willing to download/install MUCH more, so long as I don't then have to face a multitude of further adjustments to my hardware configuration database. Get me? Thanks!

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