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Posts posted by Caramel

  1. Checked and works..

    If you get bored of looking at the same setup billboard

    add this line to your presetup.cmd ( used by BTS driverpack )

    COPY /Y %CDDRIVE%\bbu\%random:~-1,1%\WINNTBBU.DLL %windir%\System32\WINNTBBU.DLL

    and add the bbu dierectory in your cd's root with directories 0 to 9 and a winntbbu.DLL <=== note NOT compresed

    the setup will replace the winntbbu with a random one each time.....

    note: you NEED ALL the dirs 0 to 9 or it may error trying to copy and leave the original in place ...

    (if you don't have 10 different billboards double up n your favs - they will get called more often)

  2. it is doable....

    if you use pyron's presetup batch files for anything.... (bts driverpacks etc)

    you can use it to replace the winntbbu.dll in the %windir%\system32 folder before the *real* setup.exe fires therefore chaning the setup screens randomly....

    %random:~-1,1% should get you a random number from 0-9 in the presetup.cmd

    i have not yet played with randomizing it but i HAVE replaced the winntbbu.dll in presetup (just to check) i need to play around and do randoms...

  3. Yes i saw that but it runs AFTER gui is setup and you have a windows shell already right....

    mine runs at the 39th min so you can get everything setup and done in about 10 mins or so and then walk away and let it go

    with the wpi you need to hang around till windows is installed fully and be watching for it to finish so you can choose your progs to install...

    the other thing with mine is that the "timeout" is effectively just the time it takes to go from the 39th min to the 13th min when it runs the cmdlines.txt (mind you thats not always going to be 26mins either :-))

  4. btw to create a default runonceex.cmd create an install folder in your %systemdrive% and put the unattended.exe and ini files in there and run it

    it will create a runonceex file in the install folder for you (if you don't select no game and dont have the appropriate files in setup it will complain about not able to find file - thats ok it just trying to start the game)

  5. Made a little proggy that allows you to change what programs will be installed at runonceex in gui-setup at 39th min (detached program)

    ok to make this work you need to do the following.....

    create a directory "Install" in your $OEM$\$1 (ie $OEM$\$1\Install)

    put the files from the unattended.zip and also a default RunOnceEx.cmd in the Install folder

    create a directory "Setup" in your $OEM$\$1 (ie $OEM$\$1\Setup)

    put sol.exe , freecell.exe , winmine.exe from your windows into this folder (the program will launch the game of your choice to play after you close it :-))

    add the following line to your winnt.sif [GuiUnattended]


    and in your $OEM$\cmdlines.txt put a cmd file RunOnceLoader.cmd

    in the $OEM$\RunonceLoader.cmd


    Thats it....

    btw - i had to do the tricky extra cmd file for the cmdlines.txt cause it does not seem to like having %systemdrive% in there but works fine to a cmd in local dir

    the ini file has some help stuff in it for how to make it work and has my setup i have on my current dvd i'm working on so you should be able to figure out the syntax


  6. erm i think zoster answered it in like the 4th and 6th and some other posts.......

    daemon.msi /qb REBOOT=suppress

    no slash before the reboot and it works fine for me.....

    using daemon 3.46 gets a hardware installer box after but it goes away for me if you ignore it... (I'm busy playing solitare anyway after having it start as the first thing in the runonceex.... tho i should change to minesweeper as i play sol all throught the gui install too .... detachedprogram IS usefull after all...)

  7. REG ADD %KEY%\030 /VE /D "Sun Java VM 1.5.0" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\030 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\SunJava\jre-1_5_0-beta2-windows-i586.exe /s /v\"/qb IEXPLORER=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress\"" /f

    Works for me - i found that i needed to suppress the reboot (and yes it is actually "reallysuppress") and i use qb cause i like to have the status displayed

    btw you DO need the quotes around "/qb IEXPLORER=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress" :)

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