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Posts posted by SamboA

  1. Hi when your making your winpe image I would mount the boot.wim within sources and add the files there in system32 so that you do not have to do the full path for imagex.

    The intclg.exe is in my windows aik\tools\x86\intclg.exe

    This is just a wrapper dont forget the cmd will be displayed at the bottom of the gui if you cant run the cmd by the cmd then its not going to work in the gui

    I did copy to my Flash Drive Folder from my windows aik\tools\x86\intclg.exe hoping it would cause the

    GUI to execute ok but I still get a dialog box that appears to be missing headings for the entries to be filled in with

    Drive to capture and Backup location and description. When I click on the "Capture WIM Image button" Nothing Happens. Oh Well !!! I must be missing something. I've used ImageX command line out of this Flash Drive folder

    as it is and it works fine. I wanted to try this GUI because it really speeds up the process of getting things started and

    eliminating my "Fat Finger" mistakes. My command line is pretty long.

    "G:\Imagex GUI\imagex.exe" /config "G:\Imagex GUI\Skipmore.ini" /COMPRESS maximum /capture C: "D:\Images-WIM4-24-2007 Data C-Image.WIM" "04-24-2007 Data C-Image.WIM"

    I'll watch the forum some more and maybe these old eyes will see the errors of my ways !!!!


  2. Hi Guys, i cannot get this to run in WinPE 2.0. can somone help.

    I've got all these files on a flash drive in same directory

    I'm booted to a Win PE 2.0 Boot CD.


    intclg.exe--->Can't find this exe ???????? Where it be ????








    When I run the exe file from the cmd prompt in WinPE

    I get.....

    Run-Time Error '429'

    ActiveX Component Can't

    Create Object.

    I click OK on that.

    Imagex GUI Dialog Box Comes up but headings for

    Partition to Capture is missing.

    And also Heading for Backup Filename Missing too.

    I enter the info in the boxes anyway but when I click

    Button to Start the imaging it Does Nothing.

    Where am I going wrong..?

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