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Posts posted by LPChip

  1. I've bought Windows XP Professional MUI OEM, which is a 5 cd kit.

    I have 1 Windows CD with SP2 preinstalled and 4 additional MUI discs.

    I want to make one nLite cd that installs this OS with the Language I choose during install.

    From what I've read here, its impossible to do this.

    On one of the language CD's, it states how to make it work in an unattended setup. I have a bit of a hard time figuring out how I can combine this with nLite, and in addition, it might provide you guys with the necessary information to add MUI support to nLite itself. :)

    I'll quote the helpfile about unattended setup.




    The following steps explain how to install the Windows MUI Pack in unattend mode.

    1. Copy all the MUI files from MUI CDs into a temporary directory on a

    network share, such as $OEM$\MUIINST.

    In this example, we use a server \\MUICORE. The directory for the MUI CD

    contents will be \\MUICORE\UNATTEND\$OEM$\MUIINST.

    2. Add a "Cmdlines.txt" file in \\muicore\UNATTEND\$OEM$ that includes

    the following lines:


    "muiinst\muisetup.exe [/i LangID1 LangID2 ...] [/d LangID] /r /s"

    Note that you must specify " " in your cmdlines.txt file. Use the

    appropriate Language ID (LANGID)s, and the muisetup command line

    parameters to ensure a quiet installation. Please check muisetup.hlp

    for a complete description of all the command line parameters for

    muisetup.exe (the command line help content is under "related topics"

    in the help.).

    3. Create an answer file (mui.txt):

    a. add the following entries in the "Unattended" section





    "OemFilesPath" must point to a network share or drive containing the

    MUI install source stored in the above directory structure.

    The Windows install sources can be anywhere else (CD, network share, etc).

    b. add a "RegionalSettings" section. Use this section to specify the Language

    Groups and locales to install. Use the appropriate Language Group IDs and

    Locale IDs (LCIDs). Ensure that the Language Groups you install are sufficient

    to cover BOTH the locale settings and the User Interface languages you

    are installing.





    Of course, the answer file may also include other OS unattended setup options.

    4. Run winnt32.exe with the appropriate options to use the answer file. If you

    require the installation of East Asian language and locale support, you must

    specify /copysource:lang or /rx:lang to copy the necessary language files.

    If you do not, and the [RegionalSettings] section of your answer file contains

    East Asian values, Setup will ignore everything in the [RegionalSettings] section.

    For Winnt32.exe, the appropriate syntax is:

    winnt32.exe /unattend:"path to answer file" /copysource:lang /s:"path to install source"

    So basically, how can I use the above information to make my cd automatically choose my language?

    Any help with this is really appreciated. :)

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