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Posts posted by GreenSamo

  1. This happens to me as well, I did the same thing dagon did with the sfc things but then it wouldn't even compile the iso completely, got to about 80% and failed complaining about the sfc files that I removed.

    It partitions the drive, copies the files then reboots, upon reboot it freezes. EVERY thing made by nliteos does this. Even distributed TinyXP cds that work completely fine for other people do the EXACT same thing as the ones I make. Any help on this matter would be very nice, I've been trying to install stripped XP for 3 days now and keep coming accrossed the SAME problem with EVERY thing I do.

    It does the same thing as the 2nd video, except instead of something popping up, it just freezes. I've tried to install it at least 10 times in the past 3 days.

    My pc specs

    Dual Pentium 3 933

    512 - 768 MB ram (I have 2 128 sticks that I swap in and out with another pc when I use it)

    10gb hdd

    nvidia mx440 64mb video card

    anything else you need to know let me know. REALLY would like to get this fixed

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