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Posts posted by lUp

  1. copy these files into the vlite folder


    it doesn't work for me, not with the 1.2 final.

    I downloaded WAIK though

    worked perfectly fine for me. and saved me a download of 1,49 gb (why not point the download option to that file instead of this iso if it does the job?)

    Just be sure to unpack everything to a temp folder, then rightclick the appropriate inf version for your architecture and click install, confirm the UAC

    request and that part is done.

    Afterwards copy the dll in the root of this rar file to your vlite folder, again confirm UAC and you're done.

    It most likely fails to directly unzip into the vlite install root, as it is situated in the "Program Files" folder which is protected by UAC

    hope i could help

  2. Hi,

    my moms computer needs a refresh, so I decided to install Vista Ultimate instead of XP. The Problem is, that only a cd drive (no DVD) is installed.

    Therefore I tried to split a vLited Image onto CDs using the most current (1.1RC) version. That resulted in 3 discs, the first looked as normal, the second contains an install2.swm inside a sources folder, the third an install3.swm.

    So i put in the first disc, booted from it, partitioned the drive into 2 partitions and hit next. The copy process started, went all the way to 100% (which already left me wondering, no questions about a second or third disc), then switched to "expanding" and stopped with an errormessage, stating that C:\[long string]\install.swm was not found and that I should check if all files were present and restart setup. Hitting ok rebooted the system. A second try resulted in the same procedure.

    So, what did I do wrong? I found a german tutorial on the net with lots of screenshots, and there the setup asked for a second, third ( and so on) disc by itself. The described process didn't differ from mine.

    Any help regarding this?

    thanks in advance


    edit: did a second set of CDs with a little less unattended settings. same problem, setup states that it cannot "access" install.swm (not "not find"). Also before the copy process starts it just states for some seconds "please stay with the computer until all discs are read" and afterwards "all information is gathered. the system will be restarted during the installation process". The tutorial I found (from tomshardwareguide.de) showed, that the "stay with the computer" text stayed the whole time.

    maybe this helps


  3. :realmad: :realmad: :realmad: :realmad:

    so, i understand, its beta 0.3 (like really early and stuff), but is it a lot to be asked, to generate a system restore point by the installer prior to installing your software. i just had to reset everything on my vLited Win Vista Ultimate x86, because after using vize my system couldn't load logonui.dll, because it was missing. and the last restorepoint was 8 hours ago, so i had to sit through 15 minutes of restoring on my core2duo and now had to reinstall kaspersky, because this was the last restorepoint (prior to installing KAV).

    I'm lucky that it's running again.

    So my suggestions would be, generate a Systemrestorepoint (or at least ask the user to do so) and while being still in beta mode, flash big red letters across the screen, that this is beta, save everything beforehand, know what you do and so on...

    i've used xpize, which worked like a charm, therefore i was happy to see something similar for vista and installed without much thinking.

    so, advice to all who may try it, do a backup of vista beforehand :)

  4. Hi again,

    thanks for your quick answer. I decided to go through the Process again and killed Vista x64, installed x86 (there were just too many issues with drivers and progs not working, so i decided to switch to x86), so my Sidebar is back :) But i again messed with vLite and now i got a new Problem :)

    Where's BitLocker? :whistle:

    I remember removing it from the disc, thinking "gnah, it's from Microsoft, there are backdoors in it, i don't need it when using Truecrypt". But after some time I came across some interesting articles and it seems, as if BitLocker in Combination with an USB stick and Truecrypt could be a nice method for securing my system. So now i want to use it, got myself today a small new USB stick specially for bitlocker, downloaded via Windows Update the EPS and Bitlocker Enhancements, already used the BitLocker config tool (the partition is created) and now i wanted to use Bitlocker. But I can't find it under Controlpanel, because 1st I removed the Security Center (there it should be if i'm right) and second i removed bitlocker (I thought the Windows Update would bring it back when beeing downloaded).

    So now I need to get the Security Center and Bitlocker back. But how do I do it? I Installed 7-zip and looked in the install.wim, couldn't find anything (and as 7-zip doesn't have a search function, I'm not likely to find it by myself).

    So, any suggestions? Or is Bitlocker there and I just can't find it (a run command to get to it would be nice)



  5. Hi,

    after the first setup with vLite i decided to give it another try and remove some more components (like MCE etc.). That was a bad idea, because due to KB932596 i had serious problems installing Vista x64. Spent 2 days to get a running and stable system, so I'm quite exhausted now. :)

    The problem is, that I noticed, that I somehow accidentally removed the Windows Sidebar (which I quite like). I absolutely don't want to reinstall Vista again with a new vLite version, just to get it back, so I wanted to know, if there's a method to install it from the original Vista Ultimate DVD?

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