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Posts posted by dave_uk

  1. Hi Peachy

    It's when the deploy starts to try to push WinPE down to the machine. PXE booting is fine, I can select the utilities on my OSC boot menu, but obviously there is a problem with the way the Nforce3 250 drivers are integrated into the WinPE deploy image, even though I have done many other NIC drivers into this WinPE image in the past. I seem to remember one other person on this board having a problem with these drivers as well.



  2. Hi all

    I'm trying to get a RIS installation going with a motherboard with a Nforce3 250 chipset, but can't get the drivers integrated into the RIS properly. The mobo in question is a MSI K8N Neo Platinum. I've gone thru the regular way of integrating the drivers, no joy. I've also done an XP install, installed the drivers into the OS and checked the paths to the files, and couldn't see any difference in the way the drivers were installed compared to the RIS deploy.

    Is there some other way of getting these working?



  3. Hi [bM]Crusher

    Slipstreaming the WDM capture drivers isn't a problem. It's the slipstreamed video drivers not installing the I2C bridge so that XP can recognise the capture devices during the RIS install. If I silent install the video drivers during the install, I still get the same problem. Only if the vga drivers are installed once XP is installed ok, then the capture devices are all enumerated ok.

    I will try those ATI drivers out from radeon.ru tomorrow now - it's late!!



  4. Hi Bonedaddy

    Thanks for the reply.

    Is the iss script for the root of the AIW drivers or is it for just the vga drivers? I'd all but resigned myself to installing the AIW card thru GUIRunOnce - not the best way coz it needs an extra reset, but do-able.

    I find it really strange that the drivers wont put in the I2C part of the ATI card during setup yet it will once the setup is finished. Got any ideas on this? I've quickly tried studying the driver inf files to see what's being added extra but can't see it.



  5. Hi Alanoll

    Thanks for the prompt reply!!!

    The video drivers are being silent installed during the setup of Windows, then the WDM capture drivers are also installed afterwards. So obviously there is a reset between this stage and the desktop appearing.



  6. Hi all,

    I'm trying to get the Radeon 9800SE AIW cards to automatically silent install into our installations. It just isn't happening! I can set to silent install the video drivers and capture drivers during the install (RIS based), yet when the PC starts up to the desktop none of the capture/tuner drivers (6 of them) have been detected. I can re-install the wdm capture devices again afterwards, no joy. The only thing that will fix it is to re-install the video drivers from the desktop and then restart the machine. Apparently (from what I was told) installing the drivers in this way puts the I2C bus driver that's on the AIW card in so that XP can enumerate the WDM drivers to the capture devices on the card properly. Is there any way of totally automating this, or am I missing something :) ?



  7. Hi all,

    I'm trying to get the Radeon AIW cards to automatically silent install into our installations. It just isn't happening! I can set to silent install the video drivers and capture drivers during the install (RIS based), yet when the PC starts up to the desktop none of the capture/tuner drivers (6 of them) have been detected. I can re-install the wdm capture devices again afterwards, no joy. The only thing that will fix it is to re-install the video drivers from the desktop and then restart the machine. Apparently (from what I was told) installing the drivers in this way puts the I2C bus driver in so that XP can enumerate the WDM drivers to the capture devices on the card properly. Is there any way of totally automating this, or am I missing something :) ?



  8. Hi

    I'm going loopy trying to get this driver integrated, and think I'm being a little stupid now since I have added in other RAID drivers to my image.

    I use a specially modified (by a 3rd party company) version WinPE (not BartPE) to do a deploy via RIS, but integrating this driver totally eludes me now. The WinPE boots, but when the scripts start up to partition the drive, no drive is present. Can someone do a simple step-by-step that a "current simpleton like me" can follow?



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