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Everything posted by sT0n3r
Hi i also need for the configwizard_createshortcut.js command to create the subfolders. where in the configwizard_createshortcut.js do i insert this code ? or could someone please upload an updated version thank you.
WPI 7.8.0 Feature requests.
sT0n3r replied to Kelsenellenelvian's topic in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Hi and many thanks for all your hard work on wpi, I have just started using the creatshortcut option, would it be possible to say, when you choose the destination, eg. allusers start menu/programs, for it to create the folder if it does not exist ? i use mainley portable software, i just pack the folder to a .7zip and extract. i want to use the createshortcut option to create the shortcuts and folders in the start menu i know it would be possible for me to create a directory before i ran the createshortcut command, but this would cause me problems later on i think. {JSCRIPT}=CreateShortcut("Shortcut to CCleaner","C:\Utilities\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe","","C:\Utilities\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe","","AllUsersPrograms","SystemUtilites") (dont work) {JSCRIPT}=CreateShortcut("Shortcut to CCleaner","C:\Utilities\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe","","C:\Utilities\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe","","AllUsersPrograms","") (works fine) i hope i explained myself correctley and keep up the good work -
Windows XP Professional x64 SP2 in Multiboot DVD
sT0n3r replied to Gremo's topic in Multi-Boot CD/DVDs
works perfect thanks so much mate you saved me many days work -
hi dude try searching for the file wmdm.inf in windows/inf and right click it ,choose install then reboot you pc hope this helps
Hi Thanks for a nice update I think i have found a bug in the latest 6.4 version?? i have a wpi with about 85 items, now when i run the wpi with all my items ticked i sometimes get an install, installing twice is anyone else haveing this problem, i have checked the script file and there is defo not 2 entries for any of the programs i have attached a screen shot so u can clearley see whats going on (Foxit, WhereisIt,7zip) omg i am sorry what a stupid fool i was it seems that the files were getting duped because for some reason , in my options file under installer/categories sort order i had 2 System Utilities items. sort order CD/DVD Tools,Desktop Enhancers,Games,Internet,MultiMedia,Office,Registry Tweaks,System Resources,System Security,System Utilities,System Utilities,WPI OPTIONS, i dont remeber changing anything in there ?? but of course i removed the offending item and its all working perfect here is my config file anyways maybe it can help someone config.7z
Hi I Hope someone can help me i am sorry if this question has been here before, i have searched and found nothing sooo.. i have windows xpsp2 and i would like to make the my computer icon in the start menu act the same way as the my documents icon does EG. I Click the start menu, move the mouse to my documents and it expands right !! and all the folders inside expand forever !!! But when i try to do the same with my computer you only get the option to click the drive and it then opens in explorer. is there any regtweak or any other way to make the drives expand under the my computer tab ?? the only way i can achieve what i want is if i right click the taskbar choose toolbars and select my compter then i get exactley what i want but on the taskbar not in the startmenu thanks for your help
hope there is a diffrent way i dont want another 220meg on my iso
i get the exact same thing even with 1.4.1 using unattended patch, english, xpsp2, latest updates, amd 3800x2 i am also getting some more errors in this latest version i will post back with screens soon
great job i will test it now
thanks for you fast reply the intel pcs in question did not have multicore, just to let you know, but all the amd pcs were 64bit processors single core, i really think it would be a nice idea to have darkside change the docs, computer, and recylce bin icons and even the control panel, for the complete darkside look so it would be a shell/icon pack but maybe this is toooo much work. great work anyways mate looking forward to the next relese
great work zedox i love the darkside cant wait for the next version. (tomorrow ,, maybe) for some reason some of my shell32.dll icons do not get replaced (recycle bin, my computer, my docs) and welcome screen. even if i use the reloader i am using xpsp2 with latest updates. nlite,and intergrate darkside using the iso option. and for those people haveing problems with the boot screen not showing, i had the same problem on some pcs using vtp, the only pcs that would show the new bootscreen were using amd processors ?? intel processor computers did not show the new boot screen, (this is weird no??) i have no idea if this is anything to do with the problems with the bootscreen in the darkside but if you post if you have an intel or amd cpu then maybe the mighty zedox would know ? keep up the amazing work man, if you need anymore beta testers then please let me know
i think i have found a bug ? i start my wpi by using a startwpi.cmd by copying it to $OEM$\$Docs\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. in my install cd (so that the wpi starts with the desktop loaded) EDIT : Does the same if i start it from any cmd file startwpi.cmd= cmdow @ /hid FOR %%I IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%I:\win51ip.SP2 (SET CDROM=%%I:& GOTO DONECD) :DONECD %CDROM%\WPI\WPI.hta EXIT everything seems fine but when i run a %extract% "%CDROM%\Installs\CCleaner\CCleanerPortable.7z" "%SystemDrive%\Utilities" command i get a error saying SCRIPT: D:\WPI\WPIScripts\ExtractToPath.vbs LINE: 20 Char: 1 Error: The system cannot find the file specified CODE: 80070002 This only happends if i run the startwpi.cmd to start the wpi, it does NOT happen if i run the wpi.hta file itself by double clicking on it. i dont think i am doing anything wrong ?? or am i ? please can someone help me with this ? my work willl be finished if i can fix this problem ? EDIT: i changed the path to "%wpipath%\Installs\CCleaner\CCleanerPortable.7z and still the same problem
Thanks HJW great idea i will try it now and report back thanks for your help ok it worked perfect all i did was place my wpirun.cmd in $OEM$\$Docs\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup now all my installs work perfect (had problems with kaspersky internet security ("%CDROM%\Installs\KIS\kis.msi" /qn /norestart) running after silent install before, now it starts on reboot, as i wanted it to) and to delete the command i just run DEL /Q /F "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\STARTWPI.CMD" thanks again for your help i am just looking for a small program to hide all my desktop icons now untill my pc reboots when the wpi has finished EDIT found HideDesktopIcons.zip on msfn works perfect, now my wpi installs with my nice wallpaper in the background with no icons on the desktop then reboots and eveything is installed working with the icons back
Hi Thank you for such a great program i need a liitle help, please i am using a nlite to make my unattended, i am trying to make the wpi run when my windows desktop shows for the first time, is this possible ?? i have had some problems running some of my scripts when the explorer and or desktop is not loaded, but if i run the wpi when the desktop is loaded i dont have any problems." i read that "Note: the [GuiRunOnce] section commands start executing before the shell (explorer) loads. If you have very few tasks to accomplish via [GuiRunOnce], you may not even see them executing. On the other hand, some applications require the shell for the installation, and therefore placing them on the top of the software installation is not recommended. so how can i make the wpi wait untill the desktop is loaded ?? or can anyone please tell me where i have to put the command to run the wpi at the right place ?? in the svcpack.inf the nlite.cmd the winnti.sif ???????