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Posts posted by xavierx

  1. hey thanks so much NOTS3W that helped me a bit. i will have to read more into it as far as cyberloner i assume thats why he is called that haha it would defeat the purpose of a forum if it wasnt used to ask for help and if everyone went on replying why not try it yourself.

    As i stated i have been reading it i just ran into a fork thats all..

    cyberloner: babi hutan

  2. I might be misunderstanding the whole concept of switchless/switches but i am not sure. My question is more just that when you are doing silent installs and unattended installs basically it just has the program all ready set up on your computer. Now what i was wondering is how it actually works does it just go next next next and finish uses the default settings and installs typical settings if you may? Programs like Office or lets say nero for example may have a custom install feature where you can turn off and strip your install of features you may not use or don't need. How does the switches work? i am not sure i fully get it i guess, switchless is basically not needing the /s and it still installs silent?

    So i assume programs like WPI is just another avenue instead of perhaps writing your own batch file or using the runonceex way right? But they all basically end up the same in the end result?

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