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Posts posted by XplodingForce

  1. No, I didn't, that should be the problem. I'm will fix that now, and post if that's the solution (after reading the winnt.sif reference in the unattended guide, i'm pretty sure it is).

    Maybe this should be added to the page about the $OEM$ distribution folders in the unattended guide, because i think many users will forget to check this, and not everyone read's the winnt.sif reference.

    Thank you for the extreme fast reply, i hadn't expected that :)

  2. I am making my own unattended XP CD, but I did ran into a little problem.

    I put some files and folders in my $OEM$ folder in the root of my .iso, but the files and folders don't get copied during the installation. This is the directory structure of my iso, showed with powerISO:


    Some files


    some files and folders



    (some folders' names are changed, because they're personal)

    If I've readed the unattended guide right, all files and folders in $$ and $1 should get copied to respectively C:\WINDOWS and C:\ . The problem is, if i install this iso in VMware, that files and folders simply do not get copied. Because of that, my RunOnceEX installation doesn't work.


    I've slipstreamed all the update's after SP2 (with the RyanVM update pack), the RyanVM addon's pack, IE7, WMP11, Bashrat the Sneaky's driverpacks and the .NET All in One package from RyanVM. I've removed a lot of components, and applied a lot of tweaks with Nlite too.

    Does anyone know why the $OEM$ folders don't work? If you need more info, ask me.

    Thank you!

    (p.s. I'm new to these forum's, so if i've done something wrong, sorry. My English is not so good, so if there's bad English in this post, sorry for that too.)

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