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Posts posted by nabeel

  1. HI need Backup with all SATA DRIVERS TO Intergrated inside WINDOWS XP CD

    "im makeing unattended windows xp and need sata drivers and i hate to search by Google"

    :blushing: srry 4 my ask :whistle:

    [if i used DriverPack Chipset is it ok]

  2. This thread is now contains a heavily edited accumulation of responses from three different threads which were started without searching all on the same subject. The first three posts are from the original thread and for the most part contain the answer the other three topics were after. Unfortunately due to the majority of the respondents not using the Forum in an appropriate manner the flow of the thread is completely ruined, but the problem(s) and solutions are there and easier to find than reading through four different topics.

    :realmad: whts wrong with u im try to fix a big problem here it HEBREW AND ARABIC MUI PROBLEM

    take it easy man :whistle:


  3. Just now saw your problem

    You'll need to change the version number in shell32.dll.mui to the same as %systemroot%\system32\shell32.dll

    General Steps:

    Open %systemroot%\system32\shell32.dll with Reshack

    Make a note of the version number (towards the bottom)

    MAke a copy of shell32.dll.mu_ to "shell32.dll.mu_ org" (or something else)

    EXPAND shell32.dll.mu_ shell32.dll.mui

    Open shell32.dll.mui with Reshack

    Replace the version numbers to be exactly like shell32.dll

    Press "Compile"

    Save and over-write

    Close Reshack

    Erase shell32.dll.mu_

    MAKECAB shell32.dll.mui shell32.dll.mu_

    Copy and replace shell32.dll.mu_ back to the MUI folder.

    Uninstall MUI

    Reinstall MUI

    If you need more help - let me know.

    Good luck and let me know how you fared,


    David omg !! thnx very very much

    but after i do wht u say still some menu's like Control panel still in english not same my scound lung

    Help and support ----> still English

    Turn off Computer --> still English

    Log Off ---------------> still English


    and START BuTTon still in ENGLISH .

  4. hi agin

    for pro ppl

    need help im trying to make unattended windows xp with last update from Microsoft ... with english and arabic MUI .... :sneaky: all easy but when intergrated last update "RVMUpdatePack2.2.1.7z" everything working great .......

    than i switch to Arabic Interface OMG!!! My Computer - My Documents - some start Menu still in english :blink:

    some one told me "still no update to solve this problem from microsoft" :o

    so Now i want to make unattended windows with arabic version i have it

    and i need english MUI to switch it to english .....

    hope there's help plz plz plz !!! :yes:

  5. hi everybody, here is my first post on Msfn, i'm arabic and srry 4 my English :blushing: .

    im making Unattended windows xp with last MS updates and MUI Arabic silent Install :yes: when setup is completed and

    MUI setup completed "im use windows xp English interface ... and i chosen the scound interface Arabic"...... when i use arabic Interface ===> refresh menu and My Computer And My Document and another stuff appear in english . and i dont knw where the problem :wacko:

    i found this at Microsoft support and make registery fix and it does not fix the problem

    Microsoft Support

    if any one knw how to fix this problem .... i need my Unattended windows xp to be ENglish and Arabic ...

    \\please help\\

  6. hi everybody, here is my first post on Msfn, i'm arabic and srry 4 my English :blushing: .

    im making Unattended windows xp with last MS updates and MUI Arabic silent Install :yes: when setup is completed and

    MUI setup completed "im use windows xp English interface ... and i chosen the scound interface Arabic"...... when i use arabic Interface ===> refresh menu and My Computer And My Document and another stuff appear in english . and i dont knw where the problem :wacko:

    i found this at Microsoft support and make registery fix and it does not fix the problem

    Microsoft Support

    if any one knw how to fix this problem .... i need my Unattended windows xp to be ENglish and Arabic ...

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