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Posts posted by SandLake

  1. You are quite right, I had chosen the wrong computer type, I had selected 'Standard PC' when I could have (and now have) set it to 'Automatic' and it selects 'ACPI Multiprocessor'

    This has rectified the NVIDIA NForce 430/410 Serial ATA Controller problem and also the computer shuts down automatically as well

    Thanks for your help

  2. I have a further problem now, I have tried to integrate the nForce chipset drivers but as I ewas doing so I was asked something about PNP/Textmode and I selected PNP (I didn't know the answer) and now when I boot into Windows I get the following 2 messages


    Found New HArdware

    NVIDIA NForce 430/410 Serial ATA Controller


    Found New Hardware Wizard

    Cannot Install this Hardware

    There was a problem installing this hardware

    NVIDIA NForce 430/410 Serial ATA Controller

    An error occurred during the installation of the device

    This installation package is not supported by this processor type. Contact your product vendor

    Is this to do with PNP/Textmode or is there some other problem? (The windows installation still seems to be running OK)


  3. I have an Asus M2NPV-VM motherboard with a Samsung Spinpoint 250Gb SATA hard drive

    Have I got an "nForce Raid array"?

    Do I have to press F6 when I install Win XP Pro? I have installed XP Pro both with the F6 method and without and haven't noticed any difference - but I don't know which is correct nor why?

    I am interested in creating a nLite unattended installation disk (with the HD drivers is necessary) but do not know what to include?

  4. I have run into a problem installing XP Home

    I took my XP Home CD and created a new CD with slipstreamed SP2 into it. I have repartitioned the hard disk to have a C: and a D: drive, put all the important stuff onto D: and formatted C: (FAT32)

    Now when I boot from my new CD I get "NTLDR is missing - Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart". If I use my original XP Home CD it boots fine.

    Why will the PC not boot from my new XP disc?

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