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Posts posted by maheshthecrazy

  1. hi guys :hello:

    i downloaded xpize & did 2 things with it........

    1.) i patched the setup files ......and created a bootable disc and installed xpized xp in my virtual machine

    2.) & i have installed it like any other software we do by clicking next.....next......next......without even reading anything and came across a error!!!!!

    so u see when i open my user accounts in control panel there are these icons in the common taskbar on the left that show a picture with "X" in it instead of the proper icon....guess xpize doesnt covers every gui enhancement at all.........

    see u untill next time buddies :hello: ................. and cheers :thumbup for u allll..........

  2. hi people :hello:

    am actually new to this unattended setups so i need help in integrating my device drivers in the xp setup..... i have to integrate my graphic drivers (intel extreme graphics), audio drivers (realtek) & drivers for my tv-tuner card .... so what actually i need to do i mean do i copy the driver files in to the i386\driver.cab file or is there any other way to do it ...... i actually read 2 to 3 articles on how to do it but amtotally confused.......please help!!!!!!!!!

    i have read the whole guide in msfn but still i want to know will the procedure i mentioned above work if not any other way to do it ?????

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