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Posts posted by helen_baby40

  1. I think after asking,searcheing that maybe i found the solution.I neade to create a file txt with this written:

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]


    then i must rename the txt in .reg.All that to get at the end of the setup of my Windsows xp as wallpaper desktop my favourite immagen (Me.bmp) :thumbup

    But now i have two questions:

    1)After edited that file reg were I must put the file,and how i must load it with nlite?

    2)The file me.bmp were i must put it?I have at the moment C:\HHD VIRTUAL XP SP1 \XPPaP

    were in XPPaP i have all files of the windpows xp.

    Thank's in advance helping me



  2. I thought u WANTED to have YOUR THEME customized as you like it and ready from first boot.

    If however, only thing you want to change is default wallpaper there are other solutions.

    I am sorry, but it is not always easy to understand across languages =)

    Hope u can forgive me.

    I would like to suggest you perhaps simply tweak:

    HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop\

    and key there called :

    Wallpaper ( C:\U\0\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Wallpaper1.bmp )


    ConvertedWallpaper ( C:\X\Resources\Themes\IllumeCG\BlueXP.jpg )

    Please understand windows converts jpg format wallpaper to bmp.

    So i *think* you only need to change ConvertedWallpaper registry key.

    Then export registry key to a .reg file and import it with regedit /s parameter at Guirunonce in nlite.

    I could be wrong, but something like this would work.

    Also understand if you use defaultuser, it will be that wallpaper for all users. Same as if you apply any gui tweaks those will apply to all users.

    Ok that is quite clear...Can u tell me were i will finde in nlite the edit of regedit sso tht i can edit as u wrote me and give the new path to my personal desktop wallpaper?

    Thank's in advance helping me



  3. I have my pèersonal Xp setup screen logo (realy cute with the photo of my cat :rolleyes: ),i have changed all colours of fonts but...i cant get rid of the small windows xp logo on the up left part of the screen (the blue logo).

    I tryied to delate two pictures with ResHack but nothing to do the logo is allways thear (on the head of my cat :D ).

    Do u know how i can delate it so that i will be able to see only the logo picture?

    Thank's in advance helping me



  4. I just tested this on a real install, it works.

    Just put all files inside %systemroot%\yourWindowsfolder\Resources\Themes\YourTheme\whereuwant

    I forgot to copy mouse cursors, but no biggie. In Nlite program, on unattended page, select your theme to integrate, doesnt matter where it is, but you should have all files preferrably inside %systemroot%\yourWindowsfolder\Resources\Themes\YourTheme\whereuwant to be sure to have paths for cursors,wallpaper and sounds , correct. I dont think nlite rewrites the paths in .theme file, but then i havent really bothered to check if it does.

    -excerpt from myilumecg.theme file- :

    [Control Panel\Desktop]





    Attachment show where to integrate theme in nlite, and how this looks here on 1st boot, to show it works.

    Hope this explains things a bit better.

    I think i nearly understud.So...Now i'm in Desktop Themes of Nlite,i will click on add and give as patch c:\window\mypc.bmp but...nlite wants a .theme file so...how i can sort that out?I neade only to change the desktop wall paper no othe themes of windows.



  5. I dont understand your first question what you are trying to say.

    as for question #2.

    Simply find your favourite wallpaper, configure desktop appearence as you want, and save themefile into c:\windowsfolder\resources\themes\yourtheme.theme

    F.ex i use IlumeCG theme, with my own wallpaper etc. So just copy any wallpaper i like into that theme's folder (point is not to have it on another drive, must be systemroot so theme is sure to find it upon first boot). You can also edit the themes file with Notepad if you wish.

    Inside the .theme file it says for example:

    [Control Panel\Desktop]


    So that's the default wallpaper for that theme.

    So...ok about "mistery of the first question (i will explain me bettar after).

    About your answer to my question:

    So i neade to search for the .theme file and edit it so that will get the path to my wallpaper as u wrote me:

    Example : Wallpaper=%WinDir%Web\Wallpaper\mypic.jpg but...

    Now i have my windows xp files on my computer so... how i know were i must put the file mypc.jpg so that i can be sure that when i will install windows will be loaded correctely?



  6. hello all of u.I neade two help making a bootable Xp pro cd with Nlite.

    1)The first will be...how i can chaamge (edit) some part of the strings (spots)that u cn reade written from Microsoft during the setup?

    I tryied to do that editing lines with ResHack but i lost some letters as è à ò ì so u think must be another way to di that.

    2)Second question will be... I know there are around the net many Os were at the end of the setup u can see a different desktop wallpaper (i use usualy the setting default windows teame,just beacause if a little more faster the computer hi),so i would like witch file or what i neade to do to load and set as default desktop picture a bmp that actualy i'm useing on my computer.

    Thank's in advance



  7. Hello i ask u a big help.Let me try to explain u what is going on.I have Windows Xp pro and olso some program installed (hi!) one of this program is Powertranslator 10.I decided to unistallit and to install Powertranslator 11 but...

    If i go on the file InstallTranslate.exe and i doubleclick on it nothing will happend and if i try to install it from setup.exe or LEC Translate.msi the setup will come up but...will give me the only option to ins6tall the progarm Transelate non both one (powertranslator 11 and Transelate) so at the ent of the setup i don have nothing infact powertranslator is the main programm and transelate the second part of it.

    So i was thinking maybe i must upgrade the wininstaller i have done taht upgrade but still nothing!I was trying with systemrestor of Windows xp to restore Powertranslator 10 but nothing to do i get the icon of that program but not the files.I have olso tryied (olso if i'm scared to destry windows) after a backup to clean up my regedit.exe with registry crawler but nothing and...if insttead i try to install powertranslato 11 on another windows xp pro running on visrtual pc 2004 is ok 100% !!

    I'm getting crazy please help me!

    I think that the problem is that during the setup the programn dosent open the cab file witch i think is the main file maybe somewere in my computer there is still a copy of that file (name is Data1.cab so realy quite impossibol to search for it in all my computer) and maybe that is why i cant get successfull installation.

    Is theres omebody that got my same trouble and maybe sorted out will give me any clue?

    Sorry for my bad English wroteng but is not my Mother language as u have understud :whistle:

    Thank's in advance helping me



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