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Posts posted by adrianbodor

  1. Hy,

    I read everything about this an what can I say it's perfect. I just tested my UAXP in VMware and it works 100%

    I have run the code from GUIRunOnce because RunOnceEx interfear with IE7.

    A solution more agressive beside ntldr could be to add in the script a code to delete the mbr, erase partitions maybe only C:\ , not to cause damage on the others or something like this but I don't know if it could be done. I have searched the net but I didn't find anything

    What do u think?

  2. Hy, I have some question about this subject, At my computer where I work, i don't have administrator rights and i don't have access to the internet because the IE adress bar is blocked.

    I tried also from command line "start http://..." still doesn't work. I was very pleased to find out that the ftp is working in command line mode, so it is a gate to world wide

    My question is how can i access the internet using my home connection? I have portable firefox at work with free adress bar but it doesn' work. I had in mind to make my home computer a proxy server and then to configure my portable firefox at work

    to use that proxy, but i don't know how and if this is a good ideea. I thought to use a remote desktop... but i can't install the package because of the rights.

    How can I do all of that? If someone knows please some help will be very usefull


  3. hy

    I have a few questions. In want to make a silent install of IE7 using the IEAK 7 from Microsoft.

    I have ended all steps and the final files includes along with the others one more file named "Install.ins"

    This contains all customize settings i made with IEAK

    How can I use Install.ins along with the IE7 file?

    I installed the .exe succesfuly silent but without information from Install.ins

    I searched on the net but i didn't find anything concludent.

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