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Everything posted by vicbyrd

  1. Got it. Thanks again Andre!
  2. Disabling Intel Audio Driver (IntcDAud.sys) helped. Logitech HID driver (LHidEqd.sys) is my mouse driver so I didn't disable it. Event logs are no longer report degraded Shutdown but still getting degraded Boot event even though IsDegraded is false? What graph in WPA are you looking at to see the delays (in case you would reveal the secrets to your magic). Victor
  3. It's a product called Trusteer Rapport. It's an authorization firewall that my bank requires for using their online services. I'll disable it and see what happens. <Edit> I disabled it and UNinstalled it. Problem still persists - Shutdown and Boot - still slow. Here's the link to the new trace: https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=9BACFEB6FD34B64E!6080&authkey=!AEUI5YjhR5qcpys&ithint=file%2c.zip Thanks for your help!
  4. Andre, Here's the link: https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=9BACFEB6FD34B64E!6079&authkey=!AKrtL7x2QPJVyHI&ithint=file%2c.zip Thanks
  5. Andre, Could you please take a look at the file https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=9BACFEB6FD34B64E!6078&authkey=!AEH8qNydK2ejAzA&ithint=file%2c.zip Installed the 8.1 WPT and cant read a thing with WPA. <Edit> Specifically, Session init is delayed waiting on hardware that I can't identify. Thanks in advance, Victor
  6. Andre, Thanks for the explanation of how you displayed the offending device on my machine. I've run thru the steps and now feel confident that I could troubleshoot a bad driver in the future. My machine has run flawlessly all weekend. Based on the # of reboots that one normally goes thru during a new OS install I'm guessing you saved me about 24 hours. Thanks for all your help, Victor
  7. Magic, Worked a treat! Disabled USB3.0 in BIOS and disabled ASMedia SUB 3.0 devices (both ports) in Device Manager. Reduced boot time to about 15 seconds. BTW, in your previous reply, what table did you snapshot to show the offending drivers? I was not offered that view in xperfview. Thanks - you 'da man, Victor
  8. Magic, I don't have any devices connected to the USB 3 ports but I will disable them (in BIOS) and see if that helps. Thanks for the tip on running WEI - will do. I'll report back in a few, Victor
  9. Hello, I've been debugging a slow Windows 8 CP boot for days and can not figure it out. Symptoms are a 50 Second boot time. . . It seems that StorPort.sys and WDF01000.sys are stalling the process but both are MS drivers so I can't disable to isolate the problem. Boot Trace is here - https://skydrive.liv...rive&Bsrc=Share and System Summary is here - https://skydrive.liv...rive&Bsrc=Share Of course if there are any other problems that you see (I left the trace running for the full 120 seconds post boot) I would appreciate the comment! Thanks a ton in advance, Victor
  10. Unattended install of Intel ICHR Raid and Promise Raid contollers. 1. Add the following to TXTSETUP.SIF (<cd>\i386 directory): [sourceDisksFiles] fasttx2k.sys = 1,,,,,,_3,4,1 iaStor.sys = 1,,,,,,_3,4,1 [sCSI] fasttx2k = "WinXP Promise FastTrak 376/378 Controller" iaStor = "Intel® 82801ER SATA RAID Controller" [sCSI.Load] iaStor = iaStor.sys,4 fasttx2k = fasttx2k.sys,4 [HardwareIDsDatabase] PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_24DF&CC_0104 = "iaStor" PCI\VEN_105A&DEV_3373, "fasttx2k" PCI\VEN_105A&DEV_3376, "fasttx2k" Notes: If booting from a hard drive then the \i386 directory will be \MININT Promise driver is version 1.0.30. If using the 1.0.37 drivers the HardwareIDs will change and will not work as stated above. I combined all the changes for txtsetup.sif into 1 block as above rather than having to search and replace 4 different places. The parser will handle combining the duplicate sections. 2. Add the following to, or create, WINPEOEM.SIF (<cd>\i386\system32): [OemDriverParams] OemDriverRoot = "" OemDriverDirs = iaStor, fasttx2k 3. Create iaStor and fasttx2k folders in <cd>\i386\system32\drivers. Add relevant drivers and support files (.inf, .cat, .sys, .dll). 4. Distribute fasttx2k drivers as follows: Copy FASTTX2K.CAT to the i386\system32\config folder Copy FASTTX2K.INF to the I388\INF folder Copy FASTTX2K.sys to the I386\system32\drivers folder Copy ptipbmf.dll to the I386\system32 folder Not sure why the Promise drivers need to be manually distributed to the different folders? But, it works so . . . BTW, this set up works on my ASUS P4C800_DLX.
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