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Posts posted by alur
I have the same problem. I've tried copying wimgapi.dll from both the vista AIK and the 7 AIK, but vLite still asks me to install the WIM filter.
0 -
I'm not sure if you can set a specific icon size for just the desktop. However, "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics\Shell Icon Size" controls the shell icon size. As for reloading, I suppose you could just kill/restart explorer.exe(or whatever shell you're using).
REG ADD HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics /V "Shell Icon Size" /D "48" /f
TASKKILL /IM explorer.exe
explorer.exe0 -
I figured I should draw your attention to that only half of the download mirrors work, and of those that work none have the same file size or md5 as the one indicated. Furthermore, while 3 of the downloads are the same file, the one from betanews is even smaller than those, and I got 2 different corrupt installer messages while patching my windows installation source with it (which is what made me look into this anyway ). The rest seem to work fine though.
error start vlite : wak installed....
in vLite
Nevermind, I found the wimfltr stuff by googling vLite_WIM.rar and installed the .inf, fixed the problem.