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Posts posted by brosenz

  1. Same problem here. XP Pro, SP2, Xable's update, DX9c addon. Narrowed it down to something removed in the OS options or network sections, or perhaps WMP (gave up once I found out it works fine in 1.3).

    BTW, the first time I encountered this, it installed in VirtualPC - though "Saving Settings" took about 20 minutes - but sat there forever when I tried to install it for real...

    Hi, I am having the same problem with 1.4, did you use 1.3.5 or 1.3.0 ?, thanks

  2. Checked it, it needs Task Scheduler.

    If you remember the Defrag when it worked it has a tiny GUI with total focus on Task Scheduler so this outcome would be expected.

    I'll check if maybe some tweak would allow it to run without Task Scheduler but until then keep it while making the ISO.

    Thanks, there is a way to add task scheduler without re-installing everyting egain ?, I already acticated windows vista, thanks

  3. Should work, I'll test it later, if you find out first let me know, you could start with the new components, thx.

    Hi, I checked with the command line defrag.exe and works, nonetheless when I try to run the "Disk Defragmenter" from the Start Menu ->.....-> System Tools It does NOTHING, I think something is wrong with the graphical version of defrag.exe, waiting for your comments, thanks

  4. Hi, I just installed Vista and the Disk Defragmenter is NOT working, I have installed the following components:

    - Drivers

    - Display Adapters

    - Ethernet Network Adapters

    - Printers

    - Sound Controllers

    - Multimedia

    - Wallpapers

    - System

    - Disk Defragmenter

    - Super Fetch

    Any ideas ?, maybe some dependance with some other module already removed ?, thanks

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