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Posts posted by m0rpheus

  1. Problem: When I restore a Ghost image onto a SATA drive and reboot, instead of loading Windows, I receive the following error:

    Invalid System Disk

    Only after using the 'fixboot' and 'fixmbr' commands via the Recovery Console am I able to boot into Windows. I don't understand why I'm receiving an 'Invalid System Disk' error in the first place. Note: This behavior does NOT occur with IDE hard drives... I'm beginning to think it's SATA related (somehow). It's very annoying and a waste of time to have to load the Recovery Console everytime I restore a Ghost image to SATA. Perhaps somebody can shed some light on this matter...

    Thanks in advance!

    P.S. - If I'm not mistaken, the problem seems to occur with SATA-2 drives in particular.

  2. Happy nLite user here, but ....

    I've notice that the "crash control" tweak (see below) doesn't get applied for some odd reason -- nLite v1.3 - 1.4.

    - Send an administrative alert --> Disable

    - Automatically restart --> Disable

    - Write debugging information --> (none)

    Corresponding (AddReg) registry entries 'present' in NLITE.INF:


    The strange thing is, all other AddReg entries are processed AND applied, EXCEPT the entries listed here. Perhaps, Windows reverts these settings back to their defaults? This is no big deal, but it would be nice to have the settings applied 'permanently' so I don't have to manually change it. Anyone else?


  3. Run FOR /? for a list of all the variable substitutions.

    I have read over the variable substitutions many times and even spent hours on the net reading up on it... Just couldn't quite get the hang of it... A little to complicated for me I guess. Been doing a lot of batch scripting lately, so my brain is kinda out-of-sync atm... Interesting stuff nevertheless!

    Thanks guys! Will give it a go.

  4. It seems if I disable guest account access, then the user from the network can't access drive D:\.

    Other users on the network should be able to access the shared resource even with the Guest account disabled. However, the user may need to enter the full path to the resource and/or provide username/password to access the shared resource...

    In my own network setup (internet cafe), I have the Guest account disabled on all client machines and "simple file sharing" turned off as well. I never had any problems accessing shared resources. You may want to check that the all required windows services are running (i.e., Server, Workstation etc) and make sure all machines belong to the same workgroup...

    P.S. Windows XP doesn't allow access to shared resources using "blank" passwords...

  5. for /D /R "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop" %%a IN ( * ) DO echo "%%a"

    Using the command above, if there was a single folder on the Desktop named "backup", the (echo) command output would read:

    "C:\>Documents and Settings\username\Desktop\backup"

    My question is -- how do I extract the actual folder name itself so that it echoes "backup" instead of the full path?

    Thanks in Advance.

  6. So it has probably been said a million times, but I'll say it again, "nLite is GREAT... I absolutely love it..." Many thanks to Nuhi and the folks involved! Now that that's out of the way, here's my problem ...

    I have used nLite to remove useless Windows components many times; the only thing that remains "untouched" are the Language/IME related components. I do not remove these since multi-language support is required on most computers I work with. The strange thing is, everytime I install Windows XP, the language files I need (in this case, Thai) aren't being installed during Windows Setup. Please note, this does NOT occur if I do a regular "non-nLited" unattended installation of Windows XP!

    This really isn't an "issue", but more of an minor annoyance in that I have to manually install the Thai language files after setup (via Control Panel >> Regional Settings). Maybe it's something I accidently selected for removal or perhaps a bug?? I've tried to search for answers, but have not found any... I'm using nLite 1.0.1 "Final" btw.

    As for my UNATTEND.TXT file, my regional options are set as follows:


    One more thing, is it common to get Windows File Protection popups from running an nLited Windows? For example, when I insert a USB flashdisk (for the first time), I get at least 2-3 WFP popups; or when installing the multi-language files (from CD) I also experience WFP popups. Again, just a minor annoyance... Is this normal or is it not? Yes, I could turn off WFP, eliminating this issue altogether -- but prefer to leave it on...

    Thanks in advance for your feedback!

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