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Posts posted by dxpsteve

  1. There seems to be two fields under font and maybe you can explain this to me. What is the difference between "Asian Text Font: +Asian Body" and "Font: Calibri"?

    I'm not too sure about this one. Anybody else know?

    Where do you see this at? It seems like it's referring to what font to use with Asian text and fonts?

  2. I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier, but I tried accessing my exchange through the Webmail interface, and everything worked out.

    Although, it would still be nice to be able to rearrange calendar items from within Outlook itself.

    If anybody else experiences this, or can of a possible cause/solution, please don't hesistate to share :-P



  3. Well, I don't know what to say about your RSS Feeds folder issue. I wasn't even able to reproduce the issue. When I tried to drag that folder into the 'Sent Items' folder, I was just given an error message stating that it cannot be done.

    As for changing fonts and such, everything you need can be found in Tools -> Options. Then just go to the Mail Format tab.

    To change default font and font size for messages, go to 'Stationary and Fonts...'

    And right below that is a button to configure your signatures.

  4. Recently, I have been having troubles modifying, adding, and rescheduling events in my Outlook 2007 Calendar.

    Whenever I try to make a change or addition, the event reverts to it's previous state, or just disappears.

    When re-open an event that reverted, there is an information bar at the top that says:

    This item was not completely updated during the last server synchronization. Click here to review other versions.

    When I click the ribbon bar, I get the option to "View Local Failures." When I do this, it opens up a new window very similar to Outlook except with a series of failed events instead of messages. However, there are no special options, it merely seems like another instance of Outlook renamed "Local Failures."

    I have tried searching other places, hoping to possibly find a log file of some sort of the activity and the error.

    I returned to Outlook, and changed my sidebar view ot Folder List. I displayed the folder 'Sync issues,' and there were numerous items with subject "Synchronization Log: "

    Here is what the logs in this folder look like:

    17:24:06 Synchronizer Version 12.0.4518
    17:24:06 Synchronizing Mailbox 'Name'
    17:24:06 Synchronizing local changes in folder 'Calendar'
    17:24:06 Uploading to server 'Exchange server
    17:24:06 Error synchronizing message 'Event Name'
    17:24:06 [80040900-3EE-80040900-323]
    17:24:06 Unknown Error.
    17:24:06 Microsoft Exchange Information Store
    17:24:06 For more information on this failure, click the URL below:
    17:24:06 http://www.microsoft.com/support/prodredirect/outlook2000_us.asp?err=80040900-3ee-80040900-323
    17:24:07 Moved a message that failed synchronization to 'Local Failures'. Message subject -> 'Event name'. You can view this message in your offline folder file only.
    17:24:07 Synchronizing server changes in folder 'Conflicts'
    17:24:07 Downloading from server 'Exchange server'
    17:24:07 1 item(s) added to offline folder
    17:24:07 Done

    The link just brings me to the Microsoft support page, which again leads to another dead end.

    I have Googled numerous different key words relevant to this error, but to no avail.

    Is anybody else experiencing this? And if so, have you figured out a way around it? The calendar has become pretty useless since it stopped functioning :angry:

    Thanks in advance for any help,


  5. I have been having some issues trying to get an Inspiron 2500 upgraded to XP. Everything has been installed, however, I cannot get it online.

    I think my problem has to do with the hardware itself and finding the appropriate drivers.

    I have tried Dell support as well as many other driver sites, however none of them seem to work. In fact, the computer won't even recognize the network card.

    I also noticed that in the Device Manager, under Modems, there is one item called "Lucent Win Modem." I figured that maybe it would recognize the NIC if I installed the Dell driver for the modem. However, Windows will not let me do so. Anytime I remove the Lucent Win Modem, and try to re-add the hardware, it automatically loads it as Lucent Win Modem again. Also, I have tried changing the driver, however it says that the driver information I have selected does not match the device.

    This should have just been a simple task; I was assigned to format the notebook, and install a fresh copy of XP. However, I cannot complete everything I'm supposed to have done until I can obtain updates online.

    Can anybody shine some light on this problem? If you need anymore information, please just say so.

    Thanks in advance,


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