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Posts posted by wael

  1. I am having the same problem, I have a legitimate copy of XP Pro SP3 is slipstreamed and I use that key normally to install XP SP3 and works.

    only with nLite it didn't!.

    I think we could have taken something out from the installation files using nLite that could be required and is causing this problem to happen but I just don't know what it is!

    could someone shed some light on this.



    The solution to the problem is I forgot that the key I was using belongs to an OEM xp copy same as the person above.


  2. Hi,

    With Bootable CD Wizard v1.50z It worked fine with filenames that have spaces in between, is there a way to get Bootable CD Wizard v2.01a to work fine as well with filenames that have spaces in between as well.

    for example

    this works with v1.50z and I want to make it work also with v2.01a

    \images\my file name.iso ; my file name.iso ;my file name.iso

    right now I have to do this to all my files which is really annoying.

    \images\my.file.name.iso ; my.file.name.iso ;my file name.iso

    this is how I compile my cd

    Mkisofs.exe -iso-level 2 -l -d -D -J -N -r -joliet-long -allow-multidot -allow-leading-dots -relaxed-filenames -duplicates-once -boot-load-seg 0x7C0 -boot-load-size 4 -o "C:\_TEMP000\CD\output.iso" -b loader.bin -no-emul-boot -volid "EMCD" -A PEBUILDER/MKISOFS -appid "Boot CD" -sysid "Win32" "C:\_TEMP000\CD"

    any help is much appreciated.


  3. Hi,

    I am currently using the latest version of Bootable CD Wizard 2.01a but I am facing this annyoing issue and unable to solve it.

    All my sturctued directory names and file names of my images in the .ini file have spaces and now it doesn't work! i.e I have the following line for example:-

    \BCDW\Display\CD Images.ini ; Compelete CD Images

    it cannot find the file name "CD Images.ini" because it has a space, if I use "CDImages.ini" it will find it, is there a way to fix this issue please.

    my files used to work just fine with the old Bootable CD Wizard version v1.50z.

    this is how I create my ISO file:-

    mkisofs.exe -l -ldots -J -o "C:\_TEMP000\Bootable CD Wizard\output.iso" -b loader.bin -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 "C:\_TEMP000\Bootable CD Wizard"

    Also I had another quick question, I know bcdw 2.0 can now boot from iso files which is amazing, but I want to know, are there any limitations to the iso files that bcdw can boot like their size for example.

    for example if I had multiple iso files of vista 32/vista 64bit/xp/etc.... all on one dvd in the form of 3 or 4 iso files will bcdw boot either one of them just fine?

    please help with the space issue.


  4. Hi thanks for reply everyone,

    Riz, they are actually 2 SATA harddrives, I've read in couple of site that the reason ghost doesn't create the image could be because of the fact that they are SATA and not because of the raid 0 factor !!

    I've also read that if I used ghost -NOIDE would work but it didn't

    Were you able to create an image of your 2 SATA drives and how?

    can you please explain what you mean by "depends on the hd controller"

    albator, I am using a bootable cd from DOS then I load ghost.exe 8.2

    Frechdax3000, I have WinPE, when I loaded it, it didn't actually recognize the SATA drives, which version of WinPE are you using.

    I would still prefer to do it using Ghost 8.2 From Dos, there just has to be a way, I mean I already have an ghost image the came with the laptop to prove it.


  5. Hi,

    I really need help in figuring this out, I can't find information on it at all, I would like to use my ghost 8.2

    from dos to image a laptop which contains 2 hard drives set in raid 0.

    I've read in some sites that I should use ghost.exe -ia but it didn't work, ghost was just hanging and

    waiting for nothing, it looked as if it is going to start the process of creating the image but it doesn't do it.

    I know that it can be done because there is an older ghost image of the laptop that can be restored just

    fine to the laptop. :no:

    please help its quite urgent, thanks in advance,

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