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Posts posted by Homer_m

  1. So if WINNT.SIF in your SOURCE/I386 folder has the product key in it and you have WINNT.SIF in your FIX folder without a product key, which one will hfslip use? The one in the FIX folder right? Which without a product key required him to manually enter the key on the side of the case. The wrong key. The case key will install windows but XP will want to go through activation and that key will not activate. With the key in SOURCE/I386/WINNT.SIF no activation is required. That was the mistake I made. Does this make sense?

  2. New guy here, just thought I would add my 2 cents. I use a Dell OEM disk and the first time I used hfslip I got the same prompt to enter the product key. The reason was because I used WINNT.SIF in the FIX folder without a product key in it. The product key on the side of the computer won't work either. All that has to be done is to look in the I386 folder of the original Dell OEM disk and copy the WINNT.SIF that's in there to the FIX folder hfslip creates. That's it. It already has the proper key in it. To my knowledge it is the same key for many Dell systems. No activation required. Hope this helps.

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