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Posts posted by I.am

  1. Hello everyone,

    I know to some people this might sound absurd.

    But my question is, is it possible to have two passwords for the same account on windows xp with some tweak/registry editing or whatever.

    I know why you should have one for blah blah security etc.

    But just wondering if its at all possible.

    Thanks in advance,


  2. You obviously didnt get it or you obviously havent coded it yourself. No hard feelings but I am not going to explain the whole thing again. Since people understood what I meant it would be better if you might read it again!

    Its not about Joe Schmoe! :)

  3. this script doesnt do anything more than a normal picture does. Im getting tired of so many people saying that its spyware and things like that.  It is true that people can view your ip and store them but so does this forum and any other sites you go to.

    Yes. But its ok that admins of the website has it. What about every random person who sees your post has your ip and the info. You are getting tired of paranoids, make sense. But if you apply some intelligence you will notice it as well. As always, untill something goes wrong, no one even buzzes about anything.

    @gamehead :) ofcourse script kiddies will do that, and you think all professionals come to this forum :rolleyes:

  4. When you're viewing the sig, no one else but you can see that sig... The only place where your IP is so stored is in the server logs... Same goes for my sig, but I hardly check the log! :D

    :) Ofcourse no one else can see your ip displaying image. But thats exactly my point, if someone wants to use this info all he has to do is post in some of threads and rest his sig will gather all the information. The values in the very sig can be dumped in a text file(no need even to check the server logs).

    Now i am not a paranoid kind of guy but just thought many of us wont even be aware of these consequences. :rolleyes:

  5. I am surprised this forum allows those ip sigs. The problem with those is that the script is run on the server side and they can get any ip addresses, other info. etc and store it on their server without even you knowing it. Basically you visit a page who has these sigs, and boom you risked it without knowing it. I am not saying danasoft does it who knows. But people with personalized ip sigs on their servers are suspicious. :)

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