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Posts posted by Jekill

  1. I suppose it could deal with net framework 2.0 redistributable software and its four patches:





    I noticed that the problem started after their installation and that only the third one is mentioned in control panel>aplications: kb927891.

    The other seem like have never been installed... :wacko:

    Thank you for the reply. As regards it, the service "themes" is set to automatic.

    Now, I'll try to jump to a previous setup of win xp. I don't mind how to uninstall patches that I couldn't see through control panel.

    Are you aware of a way to do it?

    Hi, Jekill.

  2. Hi, I have a question,

    In the last reinstallation of "win xp pro" operating system, after the setup of all the patches (after the sp2) and of IE 7.0, I encountered a problem with windows shell.

    In little words, I use "windows classic" theme and, every two or three times that I restart the system, it reset to the normal theme.

    If someone is aware of some problem with last patches and/or with internet explorer 7.0 installation, could help me, please?

    Hi, Jekill.

  3. Hi, I decided to write to msfn cause I need some expert opinion about a problem that I'm encountering under WinXP.

    Basic information:

    I work with an unattended version of "winxp professional", made by me.

    I made it following two methods:

    1. I slipstreamed the sp2 through "command line".

    2. I downloaded, from an italian board called wintricks, almost all the win updates and integrated a great part of them using "nLite".

    - I had to try several times, cause a part of them faced problems being integrated in win installation.

    - I behaved in this way: every time that the program returned me an error about an update with problems being integrated, I pushed ok and it continued slipstreaming the remaining till the end.

    I'm still not sure if it's been a clean operating method, but I worked with this version for half an year.

    The only unusual thing that I faced, since I've been using this win version, is that when I work for a long time with explorer, copying, cutting or moving folders and duplicating files but, especially, when I move big quantities of files, like gigabytes, I encounter most of the times a particular problem which happens in two ways:

    1. explorer.exe crashes, notyfing the well-known message about sending infos to microsoft concerning the problem.

    - these times, explorer refreshes by itself.

    2. explorer.exe crashes and then the debug application drwtsn32.exe. A part of these times, I have to restart by myself the explorer process.

    (Maybe, it would depend, also, on some program that I use to color the folders - like icofolder - , I don't know.)

    Now, I'll explain the core of the question.

    A couple of months ago, I bought an external hard disk box, for drives up to 500GB, and I put a 320GB "Seagate Barracuda" hard drive in it.

    From the beginning, I faced a hard data loss during data trasfers from pc to the external hard disk, connected via "USB".

    I noticed it especially on RAR archives.

    I changed the product with a new one and tested it with RAR archives and there was no data loss.

    After a few months, the hard drive was full and I decided to test the integrity of the archive. The files contained was lossless audio tracks, so I could test it with appropriate programs, cause this kinds of file embedd already checksum infos in them.

    Well, I found that 1/10 of the archive was partially damaged.

    After a test, I noticed that I had still a more marginal, but always present, data loss during the trasfer process and this was appropriately ensured by other tests made by me, using md5 checksum files.

    Now, I'm asking: could it be that I was wrong and that the data loss, during the file trasfers from pc to the usb external box, didn't depend on the electronics of the "usb to ide" adapter but, rather, on win xp unattended installation which may face problems managing data transfers to an usb device?

    The fact is that it seems that I didn't have problems with other usb hard dives and pens.

    Thank you very much for listening and bye.

    Any suggestion is very well accepted.

    Hi, Jekill...

  4. Thaks a lot, IcemanND. I needed only to be sure of that.

    It's enough for me.

    I think also it's the easiest manner to do it.

    One last thing. I guess I have to rename the "Notepad written" above sintax with .bat (or .cmd). Isn't it?

    Thanks and bye.

  5. Yeah, I just considered it, but I red also, right in this portal, that nLite supports only last hotfixes and I should restore the wall "package" from SP2 (SP2 excluded) to now.

    Anyway, I still didn't try it.

    What have you got to say about this issue?

    Thanks, bye.

  6. Hello everybody, it's the first time for me,

    I would ask you a question about the way of integrating hotfixes in SP2.

    I've got some doubt about the procedure of compiling .bat file:

    TITLE Windows XP SP2 Slipstreamer brought to you by www.MSFN.org


    @echo off


    ECHO Slipstreaming Windows XP SP2 Updates

    ECHO Please wait...

    FOR %%f IN (*.exe) DO "%%f" /Integrate:C:\XPCD


    ECHO Slipstreaming Completed!



    In particular, if I have to integrate, for example, ten or more hotfixes, don't I have to specify their name, listed in the file above?





    I've got one more question, sorry.

    Windows update doesn't work for me, so I haven't got the right list of updates for my PC and I couldn't determine which of them to choose, in the list archived in your forum.

    In the last massive update, infact, I've got problems with two or three of them.

    For example, with "KB898461 -› Installs a permanent copy of the Package Installer for Windows version".

    Don't you know an alternative way to be sure which fits or not for me?

    Hi, good forum... great site.


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