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Posts posted by radiku

  1. Getting the same problem here. It's a Win 8.1 wim though.


    I'm going to uninstall ntlite do you think you can provide a link to version 1.0.0 beta build 2420?

  2. Hi guys, I'm in need of help! I'm writing a script for my job and I'm not too familiar with AutoIT. I'm basically trying to output the following info that I get from the following script into a text file and see the GUI at the same time. Can anyone please edit it to output to a text file. Thank you in advance.

    #include <GuiConstants.au3>

    GuiCreate("Computer Information - By : Para", 469, 639,(@DesktopWidth-469)/2, (@DesktopHeight-639)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS)

    $VOL = DriveGetLabel("C:\")
    $SERIAL = DriveGetSerial("C:\")
    $TOTAL = DriveSpaceTotal("C:\")
    $FREE = DriveSpaceFree("C:\")

    $ComputerName = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Computer Name", 10, 10, 150, 20)
    $CurrentUserName = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Current User Name", 10, 40, 150, 20)
    $Operatingsystem = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Operating System", 10, 70, 150, 20)
    $ServicePack = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Service Pack", 10, 100, 150, 20)
    $VolumeLabel = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("C: Volume Label", 10, 130, 150, 20)
    $SerialNumber = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("C: Serial Number", 10, 160, 150, 20)
    $TotalSpace = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("C: Total Space", 10, 190, 150, 20)
    $FreeSpace = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("C: Free Space", 10, 220, 150, 20)
    $IpAddress = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Ip Address", 10, 250, 150, 20)
    $SystemFolderDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("System Folder Directory", 10, 340, 150, 20)
    $DesktopDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Desktop Directory", 10, 370, 150, 20)
    $StartMenuDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Start Menu Directory", 10, 460, 150, 20)
    $DesktopWidth = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Desktop Width (Pixels)", 10, 520, 150, 20)
    $TemporaryFileDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Temporary File Directory", 10, 490, 150, 20)
    $DesktopHeight = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Desktop Height (Pixels)", 10, 550, 150, 20)
    $Date = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Date", 10, 580, 150, 20)
    $Time = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Time", 10, 610, 150, 20)
    $Input_ComputerName = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @ComputerName, 180, 10, 280, 20)
    $Input_CurrentUserName = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @UserName, 180, 40, 280, 20)
    $Input_OperatingSystem = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @OSTYPE, 180, 70, 280, 20)
    $Input_ServicePack = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @OSServicePack, 180, 100, 280, 20)
    $Input_VolumeLabel = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & $VOL, 180, 130, 280, 20)
    $Input_SerialNumber = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & $SERIAL, 180, 160, 280, 20)
    $Input_TotalSpace = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & $TOTAL, 180, 190, 280, 20)
    $Input_FreeSpace = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & $FREE, 180, 220, 280, 20)
    $Input_IpAddress = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @IPAddress1, 180, 250, 280, 20)
    $Input_SystemFolderDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @SystemDir, 180, 340, 280, 20)
    $Input_DesktopDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @DesktopDir, 180, 370, 280, 20)
    $Input_StartMenuDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @StartMenuDir, 180, 460, 280, 20)
    $Input_TemporaryFileDirectory = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @TempDir, 180, 490, 280, 20)
    $Input_DesktopWidth = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @DesktopWidth, 180, 520, 280, 20)
    $Input_DesktopHeight = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @DesktopHeight, 180, 550, 280, 20)
    $Input_Date = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "-" & @YEAR, 180, 580, 280, 20)
    $Input_Time = GuiCtrlCreateInput("" & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC, 180, 610, 280, 20)

    While 1
    $msg = GuiGetMsg()
    Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
    Case Else

  3. This is my code for Zone alarm at my GUI RunOnce:

    REM ZoneAlarm
    start /wait %systemdrive%\install\ZoneAlarm\zapSetup_65_737_000_en.exe /s /i /noreboot /lickey <who knows> %SystemDrive%\install\ZoneAlarm\Configurations.xml
    attrib -r -h %systemdrive%\install\ZoneAlarm\zllictbl.dat
    attrib -h %systemdrive%\WINDOWS\system32\zllictbl.dat
    copy /Y %systemdrive%\install\ZoneAlarm\zllictbl.dat %systemdrive%\WINDOWS\system32\zllictbl.dat
    attrib +h %systemdrive%\WINDOWS\system32\zllictbl.dat
    start /wait REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\ZoneAlarm\HKLM.reg
    start /wait REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\ZoneAlarm\HKCU.reg

    I've read all the zone alarm posts but they never work correctly and they're always outdated. Anyway does anyone know why I get a BSOD once this starts installing? Also my hal.dll gets corrupt and Os doesnt boot. So if anyone can please help me, thx in advance.

  4. Does anyone know how to silently install version 4 beta? The thing is giving me head eches I tried just doing the switches, then switches with the iss, and finally an autoIT script and no luck, can anyone share any information, thx.

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