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Posts posted by duy007vn

  1. I have just had a problem with Office Word 2003 and Windows XP SP2.

    One day ago, everything was normal, but today when using Word 2003, it appreard an error: I opened a .doc file and used it well, but when I minimize it's window and restore again, I couldn't use the mouse to click anywhere in the text and couldn't select a line or a paragraph for formatting...

    I test in Tools > Options > Edit and option "Enable click and type" was checked.

    That error only had when I minimize Word's window & restore it again.

    Besides, I could open only one Word's window, couldn't open many window at the same time.

    I tried some methods below, but couldn't solve the problem:

    - I restored a backup with Acronis True Image.

    - I uninstalled Office 2003 and reinstall again

    - I uninstalled Office 2003 and installed OfficeXP

    Somebody can help me ? Thanks !

  2. I heard that there were many ways to make the Windows XP SP2 Genuine....But I'm using Windows Server 2003. Now I want to update it to Service Pack 1. So I downloaded the Service Pack 1 from Microsoft Downloads Center, but when I installed it, an error appeared said that my Windows is not a legal version.

    So I want to know that is there a way to make the Windows Server 2003 Genuine ???

    Thanks !!!

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