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Posts posted by bwallace2

  1. Ok, I have done this successfully on one of my machines and forgotten how I accomplished this.

    I want to send all a freinds emails from their outlook 2003 to their gmail account. I dont want them to be forwarded (have the FW: when they hit the gmail account. I would like them to look the same as they do when they hit the outlook account, showing the sender instead of the name forwarded from). It is acutally set up on my account to use outlook 2003 with my kc.rr.com email and then end up in my gmail account box. Be great if I could remember how to do this for my friends account. If I open outlook I dont even see that the emails hit my outlook email box. The last one that shows is the from the day that I started sending them to my gmail account.

    I want to do this for a friend. Could someone refresh my brain on how to accomplish this function. At the present time on my friends account I have it set up to forward from outlook 2003 to gmail (so it is showing in both accounts). Since everything is forwarded, it shows the sender as my friend instead of the acutal person that sent the email when it hits the gmail account.


    Bob W

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