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Posts posted by Rasengan

  1. Show us your image if kewl for forum viewing

    This is the first image I tried with, gonna upload a video of Setup using that image tomorrow to Youtube. Got the FirstUXRes.wim problem fixed, just had to unset read-only flag on FirstUXBackground.bmp before copying a new one over (via the script)


    EDIT: Video here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBC-lZeM1AE). Sorry about the funky video size, blame VMware

  2. PS> I left our the FirstUXRes.wim, as even after editing it, it seemed to ignore my image,

    Have to change the 1 background in the FirstUXRes.wim with my image and it looks real good cause the black background fits real nicely with the new animated logo you see below the 'Setup is preparing..' you see on a setup. You only see this on an actual setup :thumbup

    I'll look at your file

    Ah, well, I was using a light-ish image, so maybe that might have something to do with it. I'm gonna tinker at it, and hopefully get the FirstUXRes image sorted. Also, trying to upload a video (sped-up) to Youtube showing the whole setup with a customized background :P

    Never mind, I got that problem fixed, had to tell the script to unset the read-only flag on FirstUXBackground.bmp, changed it, then re-set the flag.

    Here's an updated script. Pre-edit your files, dump them in the folder and run it. Point it to your WAIK, your DVD source (extracted) and your install.wim image number, and it will do the rest

    Modify Windows 7 Setup Imagery.7z

  3. PS> I left our the FirstUXRes.wim, as even after editing it, it seemed to ignore my image,

    Have to change the 1 background in the FirstUXRes.wim with my image and it looks real good cause the black background fits real nicely with the new animated logo you see below the 'Setup is preparing..' you see on a setup. You only see this on an actual setup :thumbup

    I'll look at your file

    Ah, well, I was using a light-ish image, so maybe that might have something to do with it. I'm gonna tinker at it, and hopefully get the FirstUXRes image sorted. Also, trying to upload a video (sped-up) to Youtube showing the whole setup with a customized background :P

  4. my newest modded dll's to change setup/logon/shutdown screens, available in my Guides\English in my link in my Sig

    Looks a lot better even with the all the new 7 animations

    x86 and x64 dll's or mod your own

    I hope you don't mind, but I re-wrote your script to mount an image modify it automatically, then unmount it, thus saving myself some time. The script is attached, for anyone else who might want to use it.

    PS> I left our the FirstUXRes.wim, as even after editing it, it seemed to ignore my image, so meh lol

    PPS> If anyone knows of a utility(or utilities) that can take an image, make multiple copies of it in different resolutions, and then inject those into a dll, I would be happy to hook them up to my script to fully automate the process (basically, you place an image in the folder the *.cmd is in, and run it, and Bob's your Uncle)

    Modify Windows 7 Setup Imagery.7z

  5. The following unattend.xml will start a vscript in the WinPE pass (assuming wpeinit is run). You can call diskpart from within that script (or directly).

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">

    <settings pass="windowsPE">

    <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State">


    <RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">

    <Description>Lite Touch PE</Description>


    <Path>wscript.exe X:\Deploy\Scripts\LiteTouch.wsf</Path>






    / Johan

    What I actually want to do is have the system set Partition 2 active.

    Here's the deal:

    I have an ASUS EEE PC 1201N, with the following partitions:

    Partition 1: 16MB Partition, ID=EF (Used for Boot Booster)
    Partition 2: 100MB Partition, ID=07 (System Reserved)
    Partition 3: 228GB Partition, ID=07 (Windows HD)
    Partition 4: 4GB Partition, ID=1B (Hidden)

    The 1201N has a BIOS hotkey (F9) that boots Partition 4. I modified that to contain a copy of the Windows 7 DVD (just Home Premium) and made it Unattended (had to put AutoUnattend.xml into boot.wim:2 for it to be read tho).

    The problem arises that when you press F9, it sets Partition 4 active (that's all the F9 button does, searches for a 1B partition and activates it). That makes a little boo-boo in setup, as it installs the bootloader to Partition 4, which makes it a little less hidden.

    So, my preferred setup would be to have the system boot from Partition 4, set Partition 2 active, then show the partition selection dialog (only so I can choose to format other partitions as needed) then continue. I already have an AutoUnattend to do everything except for the Diskpart, and I can post my exist xml if you would be able to provide exact changes, and maybe a sample "LiteTouch.wsf" (keep in mind, that due to the partition being hidden until Setup starts, I have to place AutoUnnattend.xml and any other files into boot.wim:2

  6. should be able to put xml on any drive root cause Win will find it, floppy/usb or root of source = not sources

    Yes, I know that, but when running from a 1b hidden FAT32 partition, it doesn't pick it up, I'm assuming that's because the partition is hidden. I fixed it by adding the Autounnattend.xml to boot.wim:2, so that setup would read it as soon as it got mounted as a psuedo-NTFS volume, so I'm happy that that works

  7. I am also having problems getting WinRE to "install" with an unattend. The only difference is that I am approaching it differently than you. When I figure it out, I will try to help but I cannot gaurantee anything. :blushing:

    PS: by "help" I mean anything found on technet or social.

    I got it working in the end, turns out I had to drop a copy of Autounattend.xml into boot.wim image #2, and it works now, along with my custom backgrounds et al :D

  8. Hi all.

    I have an ASUS EEE PC 1201N, which came pre-installed with Windows 7. I've reinstalled it to purge the unnecessary junk they bundled with it, but I left my recovery partition intact.

    I discovered that it's just a hidden FAT32 partition (ID=1B) which contains the Windows 7 RE set to boot ASUS's restore tool. After changing the partition ID to 0B, I replaced all the files on the partition, with a copy of Windows 7 Home Premium that I tweaked using 7 Customizer.

    The install boots just fine via the F9 BIOS key, even when the ID is set back to 1B, but, it seems to ignore the Autounnattend.xml file, anyone got any ideas?

    I've looked around, and tried placing the Autounnattend.xml inside boot.wim in the root, and in the sources folder, with no luck.

    Also, I would like to customise the setup background from booting to the recovery partition, until setup is complete. I've followed a few threads, including using res hacker to edit imageres.dll and spwizimg.dll, but still no joy with that either :(

  9. I guess I'd have to add an advanced settings page :)

    Maybe you could do this, user runs winsetupfromusb, and is adding a second, third xp source, etc. If DriverPacks are found, offer to move them to root for common use, or leave alone for seperate use (in case of different packs). Cause I would also like a common pack in root, since I'm using the same files. So, what changes would I have to make to achieve that, just move OEM to root, and edit i386/setup.cmd to point there?

  10. You might be better off using this method:


    Should get you past all these errors as long as grub4dos finds the ISO file, but I've had no luck with Firadisk and anything but XP 32 bit, MCE should be alright too.

    Apparently Setup gets confused about this partitioning and throws those errors. With RAM disk method this will not be relevant, as all needed files are on a virtual CD.

    Hmm, since any system I will be installing on will have 1GB of RAM, and the XP source fiels were stripped down to about 400MB each, would it be more feasible to just map the entire ISO to memory instead, and possibly modifyit slightly to look for the OEM folder for BTS's driverpacks off the USB instead?

  11. The one just above, without map (hd0) (hd1) and with rdisk(0) as ARC path.

    Sorry, didn't see that, will try it now

    Ok, so tried that. No more biosinfo.inf error, it started loading, got to detecting disks for the partition menu, then poof, STOP 0xED again. Below are my current, semi-working menu.lst and txtsetup.sif (from XP Home Retail)


    title Install XP Home Retail
    find --set-root /windefault
    map --mem /WIN_SETUP/XP_Home_SP3.ISO (0xff)
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader /I386/SETUPLDR.RTL

    title Continue XP setup / Boot first internal hard disk
    map (hd0) (hd1)
    map (hd1) (hd0)
    map --hook
    rootnoverify (hd0)
    chainloader (hd0)+1


    SetupSourcePath ="\WIN_SETUP\XP_Home_SP3\"

    I'm going to try setting SetupSourceDevice to 2, as at boot time, and in grub4dos, the partition is seen as #1, but in the partition screen when booted from my pen drive instead), it's partition 2

    EDIT: Doesn't seem to matter if SetupSourceDevice is 1 or 2, both produce a STOP 0x000000ED error at the partition screen, but I can confirm that BootDevice has to be rdisk(0)partition(1) to work

  12. :wacko:

    title Install XP MCE Retail
    find --set-root /windefault
    map --mem /WIN_SETUP/XP_MCE_Retail.ISO (0xff)
    map (hd0,1) (hd0,2)
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader /I386/SETUPLDR.BIN


    I guess BootPath is correct, right?

    Yes, would you like me to post the SetupData section of the txtsetup.sif file so you can double-check it?

  13. txtsetup.sif:


    biosinfo.inf error code 18



    biosinfo.inf error code 2



    biosinfo.inf error 14

    That's with the new map commands, and without :(

  14. What about if we map (hd1,1) to (hd1,2) if WIN_SETUP is in (hd1,0) after making hd0 as hd1, so both partitions have the same contents :unsure:

    Check in grub4dos prompt where winsetup directory is:

    find /WIN_SETUP/XP_MCE_Retail.ISO

    use tab to auto complete names.

    You would have something like this:

    title Install XP MCE Retail

    find --set-root /windefault

    map --mem /WIN_SETUP/XP_MCE_Retail.ISO (0xff)

    map (hd0) (hd1)

    map (hd1) (hd0)

    map (hd1,1) (hd1,2)

    map --hook

    root (0xff)

    chainloader /I386/SETUPLDR.BIN

    if WIN_SETUP directory is found in (hd1,1) or map (hd1,2) (hd1,1), if WIN_SETUP directory is found in (hd1,2).

    find /WIN_SETUP/XP_MCE_Retail.ISO

    returned (hd0,1) (When booting a device from my BIOS's Boot Menu (F11), it mostly becomes hd0), yet the files are on partition 2. So, as I thought, the bootloader is ignorant to the presence of the EFI partition, so see's the XP partition first, but XP setup sees it as the second. So, what would be the correct map to use, and do I have to make any changes to txtsetup.sif?

  15. Or said the other way around - dummydisk/cfadisk with removable disk might get you going from the second partition on USB stick, given it's formatted in acceptable by XP way, but this would not help in solving your problem with the USB hard disk, which should be something to do with the partitioning.

    Last few days I've done numerous installs from 2nd and 4th partitions on USB hard disk using this method, all worked just fine. Having 4 primary partitions, regular NT5 bootsectors and grub4dos MBR, drive initially partitioned with XP Disk management.

    If you write a few steps how to partition and format it in a similar like in your setup, I could join the game.

    Idea- prepare the USB stick in the traditional way, attach the USB disk as well, boot setup from the USB stick, might need to play a bit with the proper ARC path or grub4dos mapping. How does setup display the USB hard disk on the partitioning screen? Which partitions are visible? What's the partition number displayed for each of them?

    To creat the GPT+MBR hybrid I'm using, I formatted the disk as a GPT disk with Mac OS X's Disk utility, but made 3 x FA32 Partitions (10GB, 5GB, 5GB) and 2 x HFS+ partitions (10GB each), and because of the fat32 parttitions, it creates an mbr as well.

    Next, I reformatted the 3 FAt32 partitions to NTFS in Windows, then ran gptsync on the disk in Ubuntu to make sure the gpt and mbr were synced, then I ran WinSetupFromUSB.

    As for your idea, I did that, and here's a (bad) pic of the results (NOTE that INSTALLER is the pen drive)


  16. Try using 8.3 file names, e.g. \WIN_SETUP\XP_Home_OEM\ --> \WINSETUP\XP_H_OEM\

    Since MCE setup boots to somewhere, USB disk is seen as hd0, which is as expected.

    Try also a regular NT MBR and bootsector, and launch grldr by renaming it to ntldr ot bootmgr, depending on your bootsector.

    At start of Setup there seem to be number of checks, it may panick by weird/unknown MBR or bootsector.

    For multiple VLK/OEM/Retail versions this might be useful to you:


    But do it once you get everything else working :)

    Will try the 8.3 naming now, and see how that goes

    EDIT: Nope, still the same error with 8.3 naming (WINSETUP\XPHOEM\), and I am using a regular NT MBR, with grldr renamed to ntldr

    EDIT2: It seems to work fine on my pen drive (partition 1), so gonna try making two partitions on the pen drive, and see if that's the reason why, maybe it's not mounting the additional partitions on the USB HDD?

    EDIT3: I found the problem. Originally I had this (because XP is installing fro mthe second partition)

    SetupSourcePath ="\WIN_SETUP\XP_Home_OEM\"

    but that doesn't work, unlike this:

    SetupSourcePath ="\WIN_SETUP\XP_Home_OEM\"

    Seems that the 200MB EFI partition is ignored from the MBR's partition ordering. Anyway, that booted, and started loading drivers, and when it got to the partition menu, I got a STOP 0xED UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_DEVICE error.

    It's always the way, you fix one problem, and you get 3 more. Still to note, it works perfectly from my USB pen drive. I have the feeling I need to use the following code, as I thnik setup can see the EFi partition, while the boot process can't:

    SetupSourcePath ="\WIN_SETUP\XP_Home_OEM\"

    EDIT4: Nope, the above did not work, still the STOP 0xED error

    EDIT5: Ok, tested with my USB pendrive, running the XP install from partition 2 fails with either the STOP 0x7B or STOP 0xED for both my pendrive and USB HDD. My guess is that it's not mounting anything other than the first partition, maybe it needs to load a filter, like the dummydisk.sys driver in the MultiPartitionUSB files folder on WinSetupFormUSB? Would that be possible?

  17. ...

    EDIT: Uh-oh, dunno what i just did, but I'm now getting the following message:

    File \WIN_SETUP\XP_Home_OEM\I386\biosinfo.inf could not be loaded. The error code is 14.

    The partition is NTFS formatted, no compression, partition #2 on my USB drive

    Two options I can think of:

    1) Wrong BootDevice and BootPath in txtsetup.sif in the ISO file, amend accordingly.

    2) USB stick seen as floppy, join the party:


    I'm pretty sure #1 isn't the problem, but here's the [setupdata] section of one of my txtsetup.sif's (XP_HOME_OEM):

    SetupSourcePath ="\WIN_SETUP\XP_Home_OEM\"

    As for #2, here's my menu.lst:

    title Install XP Home OEM
    find --set-root /windefault
    map --mem /WIN_SETUP/XP_Home_OEM.ISO (0xff)
    map (fd0) (hd1,0)
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader /I386/SETUPLDR.BIN

    title Install XP Home Retail
    find --set-root /windefault
    map --mem /WIN_SETUP/XP_Home_Retail.ISO (0xff)
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader /I386/SETUPLDR.BIN

    title Install XP MCE Retail
    find --set-root /windefault
    map --mem /WIN_SETUP/XP_MCE_Retail.ISO (0xff)
    map (hd0) (hd1)
    map (hd1) (hd0)
    map --hook
    root (0xff)
    chainloader /I386/SETUPLDR.BIN

    XP Home OEM gives an I/O error when being mapped as a floppy, XP Home Retail gives the biosinfo.inf error with code 18, and XP MCE Retail gives the biosinfo.inf error with code 14.

    Just for reference, here's the folder & file layout for partition #2 (NTFS, nt52 bootcode, grldr renamed to ntldr)

    Folder PATH listing for volume WINDOWS XP (G:)
    | default
    | menu.lst
    | ntldr
    | tree.txt
    | windefault
    | XP_Home_OEM.ISO
    | XP_Home_Retail.ISO
    | XP_MCE_Retail.ISO
    | XP_Pro_OEM.ISO
    | XP_Pro_Retail.ISO
    | XP_Pro_VLK.ISO
    | +---$OEM$
    | +---DOCS
    | +---I386
    | +---OEM
    | \---SUPPORT
    | +---$OEM$
    | +---DOCS
    | +---I386
    | +---OEM
    | \---SUPPORT
    | +---$OEM$
    | +---CMPNENTS
    | +---DOCS
    | +---I386
    | +---OEM
    | \---SUPPORT
    | +---$OEM$
    | +---CMPNENTS
    | +---DOCS
    | +---I386
    | +---OEM
    | \---SUPPORT
    | +---$OEM$
    | +---CMPNENTS
    | +---DOCS
    | +---I386
    | +---OEM
    | \---SUPPORT

    BTW, the HDD is a 60GB Toshiba 2.5" IDE drive in an external USB enclosure, which I previously had XP, Vista & 7 installing from (XP prepped with USB_MultiBoot_10, on partition 1, Vista and 7 booting from partitions #2 & #3 with bootmgr)

  18. Here is a version, which does not check for and install grub4dos MBR. It will copy the needed file to the partition selected.

    You need to find a way to chainload grldr in this partition. If it's FAT32/NTFS and set active, and your MBR will start this active partition, you may rename grldr to ntldr if formatted with 2000/XP/2003 bootsector, in case of Vista and above bootsector- rename grldr to bootmgr.

    Alternatively, if supported at all, you may install grub4dos bootsector using the utilities in \files\grub4dos\ folder, Grubinst_GUI.exe or the command line grubinst.exe.


    If disk space is concern- you may use NTFS and the included in \files\tools\DFHL.exe to create hard links once you put all windows XP/2003/2000 versions.


    Let us know how it goes, this is interesting stuff.

    Excellent. I'm in the middle of my exams for college atm, so I'll try this out over Christmas and reply back. I may install Grub4dos anyway, for the ISO boot feature, or I may make the EFI partition a combined Chameleon/GRUB partition, to enable me to have a bunch of Linux distro ISOs dumped to partitions higher than 4 (GPT allows for 128 primary partitions). If I get this all working, I should have a disk which will allow me to reinstall any OS on any machine capable of booting from USB. Will report back when I get time to test this out :P

    Ok, exams are finished, so trying this out :) So far, so good with XP, the little memory mapped XP iso is a brilliant idea, and gets round the previous problem I had where I would get a STOP 0x7B if XP was on anything other than partition 1. So far XP, Vista & 7 are working from partitinos 2, 3 & 4,gonna throw Chameleon and Ubuntu into the mix now soon

    Btw, I made some small changes to the XP files, just renamed the folders to remind myself which was which, and adjusted the txtsetup.sif in the isos to reflect that, as per your post here. Will report back later when I test out the other OS's, and providing everything works, I might do a write-up of it on my blog, and link it back here

    EDIT: Uh-oh, dunno what i just did, but I'm now getting the following message:

    File \WIN_SETUP\XP_Home_OEM\I386\biosinfo.inf could not be loaded. The error code is 14.

    The partition is NTFS formatted, no compression, partition #2 on my USB drive

  19. Here is a version, which does not check for and install grub4dos MBR. It will copy the needed file to the partition selected.

    You need to find a way to chainload grldr in this partition. If it's FAT32/NTFS and set active, and your MBR will start this active partition, you may rename grldr to ntldr if formatted with 2000/XP/2003 bootsector, in case of Vista and above bootsector- rename grldr to bootmgr.

    Alternatively, if supported at all, you may install grub4dos bootsector using the utilities in \files\grub4dos\ folder, Grubinst_GUI.exe or the command line grubinst.exe.


    If disk space is concern- you may use NTFS and the included in \files\tools\DFHL.exe to create hard links once you put all windows XP/2003/2000 versions.


    Let us know how it goes, this is interesting stuff.

    Excellent. I'm in the middle of my exams for college atm, so I'll try this out over Christmas and reply back. I may install Grub4dos anyway, for the ISO boot feature, or I may make the EFI partition a combined Chameleon/GRUB partition, to enable me to have a bunch of Linux distro ISOs dumped to partitions higher than 4 (GPT allows for 128 primary partitions). If I get this all working, I should have a disk which will allow me to reinstall any OS on any machine capable of booting from USB. Will report back when I get time to test this out :P

  20. I have no idea what would happen with GPT formatted disks since the program is installing grub4dos MBR. Does grub4dos MBR like such formatted disk?

    Reading here too:



    • Unlike Windows support for the Intel Itanium platform, Windows x64 Edition and Windows Server 2003 SP1 operating systems support the use of GPT drives only as data volumes. Because the x64 and x86 architectures do not provide support for an EFI boot partition, you cannot use a GPT drive to boot an x64-based computer or an x86-based computer with a legacy BIOS. Therefore, computers running these operating systems must be equipped with more than one physical driver to allow the use of the GPT disk format.

    • On Intel Itanium platforms, Windows supports the use of GPT drives as boot drives or data volumes.

    If you have no valuable data you may try, but be ready for reformat it and lose whatever data is on it.

    As for the question- The setup would work just fine from another partition using the method latest WinSetupFromUSB uses, as long as it's primary one. But you need to have a properly formatted bootable disk.

    Out of curiosity- why this disk is formatted like this? What advantages does this give you, compared to a regularly formatted disk?

    The disk is actually a GPT/MBR hybrid. The reason for this is that the disc is a multi-boot disc, which will contain the following:

    200MB EFI partition (hidden) (reformatted with Chameleon EFI v2.0 RC4)

    5GB XP partition (containing all 9 versions)

    5GB Vista Partition

    5GB 7 Partition

    10GB Mac Os X Leopard partition (only readable from GPT, not MBR)

    10GB Mac Os X Snow Leopard partition (only readable from GPT, not MBR)

    All partitions are primary, partitions 5+ are only seen by GPT (which is ok for OS X), partition 2 will have XP with GRUB4DOS, partition 3 + 4 will have BOOTMGR, Chameleon will be hacked to load the first HFS+ partition (the EFI partition), while still setting the XP partition active

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