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Posts posted by Vits

  1. @Lennyd33,

    I do have AD, but only one printer, (one floor space of html coders, not much printing) but it has A3 and a A4 tray (NZ paper sizes, not letter format), so here is my lazy way of not learning scripting :)

    The following doesnt do the remote install per say, I use AD/login scripts to run the files below, as I also use the same script on the RIS install. Its not flash, but it does the job.

    I use a post install script of

    start /wait wscript %systemdrive%\install\setprint.vbs
    regedit /s %systemdrive%\install\photocopier-on-prak-dc01.reg

    The Setprint.vbs is

    '// Name: setprint.vbs
    '// Description: Add a network printer and make it the default

    Set WshNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")

    '// Adds the printer. Substitute your server name and printer share.
    WshNetwork.AddwindowsPrinterConnection "\\prak-dc01\photocopier-a3"
    WshNetwork.AddwindowsPrinterConnection "\\prak-dc01\photocopier-a4"

    '// Makes the specified printer the default.
    WshNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter "\\prak-dc01\photocopier-a4"

    The Photocopier-on-PRAK-DC01.reg

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    ... lots of lines of hex deleted for readabilty

    ... lots of lines of hex deleted for readabilty

    To get the code above for the reg import, setup the printer on a test/your machine, set the paper trays if required, then export the HKCU\Prineters\Connections .

    In my situation, I create a Printer entry per paper type, so when the luser (not a typo) goes file/print, they only have to select this printer for this paper size or that printer for that paper size, even though its printed on the same physical printer, just different paper sizes.

    Saves the luser asking all the stupid questions that one gets :yes:

  2. @Mazin, err. updating script files :)

    @PaulIA, An interesting question that one. I am going to assume that you are deploying unmanaged clients as if it was a managed client, it would connect to the server, and get the last update that way. The reason i do the install, then the X86 Intelligent Updater is that sometimes the machines I create are not local to my desk or network, but connect back into my network over vpn (and we pay for data :()

    Symantec provide a ftp point @ ftp://ftp.symantec.com/AVDEFS/norton_antivirus_corp/

    which has the last 3?-4? versions by date as well has by machine type.

    Im not a coder, but if someone has the skills to create a script to parse the file name, then select the newest file by date, and ftp that. Then ya away laughing. :w00t:

    If someone does create this script, please post here as i'll certainly use it :D

  3. PaulAI,

    Greetings, it may be a strange way of doing the updates, but hey, it works. Run the install as per normal, altough I have renamed the \symantecantivirus.msi to take the space out to save the " " bits, but thats me being lazy and taking short cuts,

    After the install, run the "X86 Intelligent Updater" as this is around 15mb in size now. Download the yyyymmdd-ver.exe file ie, 20060905-019-x86.exe which can be found at http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcen...s/US-SAVCE.html

    start /wait msiexec /i c:\install\sav\SymantecAntiVirus.msi /qn RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRES
    start /wait c:\install\sav\20060903-016-x86.exe /q

    Further to the above (as i discovered this after posting and some more tweaking), the following should force a liveupdate :yes:

    I now :D have the following in the last part of my cleanup.cmd

    start /wait "\program files\symantec antivirus\VPDN_LU.exe" /s

    Hope this helps


  4. Greetings One and All.

    I (ahem!) finally got of my ar$e and set up RIS for recycling the setup of machines on my network. Its a small network, just 45 machines locally and 120 in the UK.

    I managed to get over most of the hurdles like Intel/PXE drivers, Broadcom/PXE drivers, slipstreaming SP2, using nlite, RyanVM stuff and "Bâshrat the Sneaky's". Thanks to all the people have put the effort into providing the resource to us newbies :).

    My last one utter utter pratt of a problem. I have set the ristndrd.sif file to do the autologon, and have the cmdlines.txt file apply the following tweak


    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]









    BUT!. gasp. the domain GPO has a "Interactive Logon" banner message (GPO: Computer\Windows Settings\Secuirty Settings\Local Policies\Interactive Logon).

    In itself, not an issue, but auto login will not pass this point without a keypress. If I create another OU, move the computer-to-be-ris'ed into that, and set that OU to block inheritance, all the scripting works!!! YAHHHHH!!! :thumbup

    Is there a regkey that I can toggle on at cmdlines to block GPO, then to reset on the cleanup.cmd side that i run at the tail of install process.

    Im not allowed to turn off the GPO banner message (grumble), which is the easiest method.

    Any ideas.



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