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Posts posted by Raito

  1. Oh crud, it seems the topic focused around Silicon 3112. I understand the procedure is similar for all other SATA drivers. Guess, I need to find out what parts of the coding to alter so I can put in viamraid.sys onto the xpcd.

  2. Hey, this is my first time attempting to integrate drivers and such into WinXP, by using nLite. Though, I first started off by only integrating SATA drivers. Anyways, how do you know if the integration went well. Is there any way to check?

    Edit: Cripes, did I post in the right forum? There're so many forums here. ^^;; :unsure:

    Edit again: Omg, I totally messed up, didn't I? >>;; I'm now looking at the proper RAID/SATA guide and I'm a tad stuck on this line. "Copy the lines that relate to your OS." Does it only refer to the line below? I'm looking through txtsetup.sif and I can't spot anything else that relates to WinXP(NT 5.2)?

    VCOMBORAID_I386_NT5="VIA VT8237/6421/6410 SATA RAID Controller(Windows 2K/XP/SRV2003)"

    Cheers! :)


  3. Far be it from be to discourage any 9x devotees! The thing still rocks.

    However I did notice you mentioned games from the late 80's, early 90's. I'm guessing those aren't even Windows games, but rather one's designed for early versions of MS-DOS.

    Nearly all these should be playable through a program called Dosbox. It is an emulator of an MS-DOS 5.0 PC that runs within many of today's operating systems, 9x, XP, 2000, even Linux I think (not sure about Linux).

    dosbox.sourceforge.net is the website to get it. vogons.zetafleet.com is the forum. And a great frontend that eliminates you messing with dos commands ( a GUI with the ability to make profiles for whatever configuration a particular game needs) is D-FEND. There's a newer update for that. The update is for the newer 0.65 version of Dosbox and you just replace dfend.exe with it. You install the older full version first.

    Although XP somewhat supports Windows games from the Windows 3.1 era, if you're talking about older Windows games than that then I'm surprised even 98 runs them. How much stuff did they even make for Windows 1 and 2? Those didn't really take off at all (mostly garnered laughs about how ugly and buggy they were).

    But for Dos games, Dosbox rules these days.

    But again, by all means have fun with 98SE. I just wanted you to know, if you didn't already, that there is another option for you.

    Oh I actually have dosbox already with D-Fend but thought that running 98 might really help as the sound is a bit screwed up(I think it's 'cos of XP's or my card's sound blaster emulation) and some of the games don't work on dosbox or ScummVM or even vdmsound. :)

  4. Oh my, thank you all for the helpful replies!!! :)

    Hmmm... anyways, yeah, I intend to disable some of the hardware in Win 98se as the o/s will only be used for playing older games(very very old stuff released way back in late 80s to early 90s) which somehow, WinXP tends to dislike and reject. I could of course get an older pc but I just don't have the spare cash atm. I intend to dual boot both XP and 98.

    I can only hope that my motherboard will not give me any problems for now. It is being annoying by having problems from time to time like... even though the onboard lan and sound were disabled many times over by a few different hardware repair shops, the bios keeps enabling it again... grr. Oh well, I'll just live with it and disable in Windows.

    Originally, I intended to go unattended install for both XP and 98. Well, looks like I can't do that for XP. Ah well, we'll see.

    For now, my concerns are to ensure the hardware will work efficiently on 98 SE. And if I need to reinstall 98, I'd have to uninstall Win XP too, right?

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