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Posts posted by crayoxide

  1. I just ran 1.0.3 and the resulting .iso filename with a date/time is AWESOME!! :) That is going to help make multiple runs ez'r.

    In the HFSlip code there is this line:


    Where is this option defined at besides manually hard coding it in here?

  2. That hasn't been the case for several months. BBIE outputs *.BIN files, MKISOFS can work with *.BIN files, and CDIMAGE can work with *.BIN files. There's no point in forcing people to rename it to *.IMG so it was dropped. Since that change, if BOOT.IMG exists but not BOOT.BIN, BOOT.IMG is automatically renamed to BOOT.BIN.
    ack! Brain fart. Dunno why I typed .img as the extension.


  3. Step six of the basic howto could be expanded to let newbies know that, while the bbie.exe file is needed, its purpose is to extract a cd-rom boot image. Also, do not forget to explain that HFSLIP needs the output of bbie.exe to be renamed to boot.img.

    In step eight:

    Next to this, HFSLIP allows three different compression ratios for both scenarios.
    I think that it would more correct to say:
    In addition to this, HFSLIP allows three different compression ratios to be selected for both scenarios.

    Thanks for everyones hard work in such a great project!


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