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Posts posted by geezery

  1. Hi,

    i have a php-page with an mysql-connection and have a problem with left and right join query. i have two tables with two selectboxes on the page.

    table1 (laenderliste):


    1 Asien Deutschland Berlin DE DEU GER .de EUR 49

    2 Asien Afghanistan Kabul AF AFG AFG .af AFN 93

    3 Nordamerika Aruba Oranjestad AW ABW ARU .aw ANG 297

    table2 (regionen):


    1 1 0 DE

    2 2 0 DE

    3 2 0 AF

    4 2 1 DE

    5 2 1 AF

    6 3 0 DE

    7 4 0 DE

    8 2 2 DE

    9 2 2 AF

    10 5 0 DE

    now, i would have all countrys (land on table1) who's not in table2. the field iso2 where the key to compare the two tables.


    $sql = "SELECT l.iso2, l.land FROM laenderliste l LEFT JOIN regionen r ON l.iso2 = r.iso2 WHERE r.vid <> '$vid'";

    whats wrong in my sql-query ? can someone help me please ? thanks

    $sql = "SELECT a.iso2,a.land FROM laenderliste a, regionen b WHERE a.iso2 = b.iso2 AND b.vid <> '$vid'";

  2. Guys, how do you integrate Windows6.1-KB976902-x86.cab into Windows image? Is it via RT 7Lite?

    I'm not using such tools since there is no available license information in those programs. I have done a batch script that integrates all the patches and puts my extra settings also.

    Example script

    @echo off
    REM Change to correct drive
    REM Mount dir for install.wim
    SET LOGFILE=D:\Win7_Updates\win7_slipstream.log
    REM install.wim location
    SET WIMLOC=D:\Win_Ent_7_32BIT_UK\sources\install.wim
    REM Check if install.wim exists
    IF NOT EXIST %WIMLOC% echo install.wim tiedoston sijainti on vaara, ohjelma suorittaminen lopetetaan && pause && EXIT
    REM Critical Windows Updates folder
    SET WINUPDATESFOLDER_CR="D:\Win7_Updates\Critical Updates"
    REM Important Updates folder
    SET WINUPDATESFOLDER_SU="D:\Win7_Updates\Important Updates"
    REM Folder for Drivers where you can add all the needed drivers
    SET DRIVERSFOLDER="D:\Win7_Updates\Drivers"
    REM Folder for lp.cab files
    SET LANGPACKS="D:\Win7_Updates\Language Packs"
    REM Folder for .Net 3.5 updates
    SET DOTNET35UPDATES="D:\Win7_Updates\.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Updates"
    REM Check that Mount dir exists
    echo ** 1. Mount the install.wim %MOUNTDIR% folder **
    REM Mount the image
    echo on
    dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:%WIMLOC% /index:1 /MountDir:%MOUNTDIR%
    @echo off
    echo ** 2. Installing Critical updates **
    echo on
    dism /image:%MOUNTDIR% /LogPath:%LOGFILE% /Add-Package /PackagePath:%WINUPDATESFOLDER_CR%
    @echo off
    echo ** 3. Installing Important updates **
    echo on
    dism /image:%MOUNTDIR% /LogPath:%LOGFILE% /Add-Package /PackagePath:%WINUPDATESFOLDER_SU%
    @echo off
    echo ** 4. Installing .NET 3.5 updates **
    echo on
    dism /image:%MOUNTDIR% /LogPath:%LOGFILE% /Add-Package /PackagePath:%DOTNET35UPDATES%
    @echo off
    echo ** 5. Installing country settings / language packs **
    echo on
    dism /image:%MOUNTDIR% /LogPath:%LOGFILE% /Add-Package /PackagePath:%LANGPACKS%
    @echo off
    Dism /image:%MOUNTDIR% /Set-AllIntl:fi-FI
    Dism /image:%MOUNTDIR% /Set-TimeZone:"FLE Standard Time"
    REM Set the serial key to KMS
    REM Enable some must have features. "Get list of features (Dism /image:D:\Mount /Get-Features /Format:List > D:\Features.txt)"
    Dism /image:%MOUNTDIR% /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TelnetClient
    Dism /image:%MOUNTDIR% /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:SNMP
    Dism /image:%MOUNTDIR% /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:WMISnmpProvider
    @echo off
    echo ** 5. Unmount the image and commit changes **
    echo on
    Dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:%MOUNTDIR% /commit
    @echo off

  3. I am building a dynamic database in JSON with a JavaScript HTA. I am stuck on "visualizing" how to traverse the array.

    The easiest way I can explain this in something everyone knows is an email program's Inbox folders. You start out with an empty folder, all the new messages go in it. Fine.

    Now, the user wants to add a sub-folder, Mark, and sub-folder Work. Fine, I can do that. Building it is easy.


    ---Mark (folder)

    ---Work (folder)

    .....messages in Inbox root not in a sub-folder....

    Now the user is going crazy:


    ---Mark (folder)

    ---Work (folder)

    ------Accounting (folder)

    ------Shipping (folder)

    ---------National (folder)

    ---------International (folder)

    This is all fine if I make the JSON array "hardcoded" from the start so I would know how to access it:


    BUT, it was created by the user, so how do I step through the dynamically created JSON database not knowing the names (per se) and the depth of the array?

    Essentially, I need a JavaScript database that will traverse the array for me looking for the ID (or whatever tag) I give it:

    var message=jsonDB.find("ID","f7df68yfudsaf67fd");


    var message=jsonDB.find("From","eat@joes.com");

    That returns an object pointing to that email message, in which I can do:



    The same issue above also carries over to deleting the email message, deleting entire folders, etc.

    var message=jsonDB.delete("ID","87hds732h");

    I looked at TaffyDB but what I tried didn't work. It doesn't seem to like nested arrays.

    Maybe you could try the solution from here, then you would not need to know the propery names:


  4. Hello,

    I have tried to figure out all day why I cannot add all the Windows 7 updates to install.wim.

    I figured out that after installing Windows6.1-KB976902-x86.cab something goes wrong and no new updates cannot be added after this package. If you apply that package at last then everything works, but I think there is some problems with this update.

    Just to let you know:)

  5. SourceFolder = "C:\Temp2\"

    DestinationFolder = "C:\"

    Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

    vProgData = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%systemdrive%")

    Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

    Set objDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set oFl = oFSO.GetFolder(SourceFolder)

    Set Files = oFL.Files

    Filecount = 0

    For Each File In Files

    Filecount = Filecount + 1

    objDictionary.Add Filecount, File.Name



    For i=1 To objDictionary.Count

    objNbr = Int(objDictionary.Count * Rnd + 1)


    RandomFile = objDictionary.Item(objNbr)

    oFSO.CopyFile SourceFolder & RandomFile,DestinationFolder & "user.bmp",True

    MsgBox "File " & Randomfile & " copied to " & DestinationFolder & "user.bmp"

  6. Hello,

    I removed the GImageX dll dependancy from the HTA, but I haven't tested it yet. I think it should work without it. It uses only imagex.exe for image handling now.

    I also added the Index number to the description if that was your wish Tripredacus. Can you try the new HTA, you can download it from


  7. geezery,

    The latest version is awsome.

    I had to make one minor change, I had to change line 644

    If cmdpc > 1 Then

    I had to change this to 2 for my setup. I guess the command window that I enter the cmd.exe /c mshta.exe z:\imagex.hta

    and the window that is opened for the hta count as more than one and I was getting the error to close a command window.

    There werent any windows for me to close without the application closing.

    Keep up the good work!


    Hello, you can launch the HTA without cmd /c. If you launch it like that it won't close the cmd.exe process in the background. It stays open as long as you can see the HTA in front of you. You don't have to make that change to line 644 if you launch the hta directly without the extra cmd.exe. You can see this scenario by launching the tasklist.exe from the command line. There is the extra cmd still open.

    I have to count the number of opened cmd.exe processes, because the diskpart logic is based on that.

    You also asked if it would be possiple to apply the image to i.e. D: drive. You can now select where to apply the image. The default value is still C:, but you can change it to what ever you want.

  8. Hello all,

    I have not been here reading for very long time. I have made very much changes for the version that is currently downloadable to the public. I have reverted back to the ImageX.exe usage for some functions, because I have found some problems when using the gimagexcom ActiveX. It is still in the package, but I'm only using it for some functions.

    If someone is interested testing it I can give the link, just put an email to the address that is found from the first post.

    Here is some things that are changed:

    * Cleaned up the code a lot

    * Added the "bootsect.exe /nt52 C: /force" command after the image has been applied. (I'm also using this for Windows XP deployment only) This can be easily changed to /nt60 if you are applying Vista images.

    * Fixed the bug in the Map network window going out of the range

    * Changed the (Apply,Capture & Append) functions to use the imagex.exe instead of the gimagex com

    * Added a Delete function (Can delete entries from imagelist)



  9. I have set up a Remote Assistance environment on our domain and it works flawlesly. Much better and safer than any VNC tools.

    Are all of the 1800pcs on a same domain. If they are you should define a group policy for remote assistance. I can send you detailed how to tomorrow. I also have a small script that fixes some bugs that I have found.

  10. There are many driver backup programs, but I haven't found any totally free / working one for my usage. I would like to code my own and share it with you guys, but I don't know where to start.

    The main thing I first need is the best method for seeking the right driver files. I know that there are users who knows the method of where to check these files, so if you please can share it.

  11. I'll think I could make a list of the requested changes and if you have some more please put them here:

    - Remove the Browse.exe dependancy

    - Support for ini file where users could make all the needed settings

    - Support for the OS recognization to apply the correct boot sector

    - Support for VNC connection to the HTA. (I need suggestions how I could implement this)

    * I have already tested this feature and it works ok

    * I'll think I could write an admin console with vb.net to support applying wims remotely

    * What VNCserver I should use??

    - I would also like to have the progress indicator working in WinPE environment, but I have no clue how to get it working.

  12. Hello,

    there is no currently any check for the image type. You just have to know what image is the appropriate for the current computer. You can i.e. save Vista images to separate wim file and Xp images to another.

    I think it would be possible to add correct bootsector by using the WinPe builtin bootsect.exe.

    I think I could include it in my next version. I'm also going to get rid of that browse.exe since the browseforfolder issue has been resolved in another post in this forum.

    I could also make a script that could apply image unattendly to the computer by checking some values from the WMI. Of course there would have to be some kind of settings file i.e. xml file that says witch image to use on certain computer. If there is interest I could make one easily.

  13. If you ran the Setses function without arguments it should automaticly select the optimal screen resolution.

    The only problem is that the HTA GUI is using absolut positioning of elements so all the buttons etc. won't show up correctly.

  14. Are you trying to apply the image from a network share?

    Try to run this before the apply function.

    Function CheckConnectionStatus()

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    if objFso.FileExists(ColDrv & "\Sources\WinXP.wim") And objFso.FileExists(ColDrv & "\Sources\imagex.exe") Then

    'Do nothing, just continue and exit function


    MsgBox("ERROR: Files missing " & ColDrv & "\Sources\WinXP.wim" & " or " & ColDrv & "\Sources\imagex.exe")

    End If

    End Function

  15. You should also try to run the same .Run without the %comspec%. For some unknown reasons it doesn't always work on WinPe v.2 environment.

    objWShell.Run "cmd /c imagex /apply " & ColDrv & "\Sources\WinXP.wim 2 c:",0, True

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