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Posts posted by SiliconSpace

  1. I'm not able to extract the "RVM Integrator" downloaded 7z file from Ryanvm's page.

    getting a error message sayin that this file format is not supported....i'm trying to extract it with the

    7z program.

    My Sincere Apologies for my post.... i was using an older version of 7z. got the new one and it worked.

    Thank you. and sorry for the bother

  2. Hi Wraith,

    I have been using your Xplode 1.1.2 and its working for me flawlessly, i would however love to test your V.3 which is coming up. kindly send me the prog if possible as ur website is not in action at the moment.

    My email: nitinmanik2004@yahoo.com



  3. Hi Everyone,

    This is a bit offtopic flaming..................Moderators u can delete / move my message to the right forum if u like.

    I've got a super Unattended Boot CD by following all the incredible information on this phenomenol forum. I have been waiting for a chance, since a month to find a suitable question to post here but you guys never gave me a chance!!!......I must say that everything is so well documented on this site and your search engine covers it all.

    In 10 years of my experience noone has gone as far as the level you guys have taken the Unattended & Customization bit. Every Single Detail matters.

    My Sincere regards to ArronXP, Gosh, GreenMachine, b0r3d, Numinous, DaveXP & all the others involved in this great Unattended project. I will definately go for a gold membership to contribute something for the good cause.....pls let me know if there is anything else i could help.


    Nitin Manik.

    Novell Certified (C.N.E)

    Microsoft Certified (MCSE)

    Redhat Certified (R.H.C.E)

    IBM Certified Professional Server Specialist (P.S.S)

    Cisco Certified (C.C.N.A)



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