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Posts posted by hiro1000

  1. vistavlitereduction.png

    Its a nice reduction of file size.

    My clarified question is whether it is possible to have a hard drive run as a "DVD" in essence install Vista from another hard drive instead of a DVD or CD.

    Any help is appreciated.

    Edit: Vista installed Fine, 5.12 gigs fresh install. Took like 20 min.

  2. Ok I did another test, with only the packs from NFM and it worked for some odd reason.

    I then tried the basics that I usually use


    and bingo i get this problem


    It is possible that I can only use packs that were made for X64 bit only?

    Edit: All the regualr packs sans NFM's work perfectly fine on my x86

    Here is my TXTSETUP.SIF

    attached to the post


  3. Ok i have had this problem since like 1.2

    I could never get an nlited version of my copy of x64 Pro. I awlays get the same type of error, but with different files.

    I get the "The following line in the .SIF file used my setup is corrupt or missing:" with most of the time value 0.


    This would also happen with other files, the one in the pic happened with cabarc.exe, but it has happened with a bunch of others as well, and it always happens within the "sourcediskfiles" I have like 30 coasters :( . Now I use virtual machine.

    I talked to Kamil a while back (creator of the x64 update pack) and he said it had to do with Nlite.

    I never had this type of problem with my copy of x86 Pro. What I did notice is this.

    With x64 I cannot disable the SFC which is what I think is the problem.


    Its driving me insane this problem . I have spent countless hours. Please some one help me. I have not been able to get even 1 good copy of an Nlited x64.

    p.s. i am currently using the latest nlite, 1.3RC

  4. First off I am new to the forums, but I have experienced the greatness of this program. I find it wonderful and very useful. :D

    I have a couple of questions Sorry if they sound noobish.

    1. How do I integrate programs and such into the Iso of Windows. I have tried the 2 programs addon creator and the other one. But I am lost. Can one just use the .exe file? Or do we have to extract the installation files and put those in a cab?

    Some of the programs I want to integrate are

    K-lite codec pack





    ...etc Many more

    2. Is there a way to integrate drivers, like Ati drivers, mobo drivers, etc?

    That is basically it.

    Thanks for the Help

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