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Posts posted by fortwunty

  1. Can't you just force that screen to not pop up by using WINNT.SIF and unattended options? The OEMSkipWelcome = 1... isn't that for the OOBE?

    Here is what I do:

    \i386\winnt.sif (this is just to give you an example of what I do)

    [unattended]UnattendMode = DefaultHide

    UnattendSwitch = "Yes"

    OemPreinstall = "Yes"

    OemSkipEula = "Yes"

    FileSystem = *

    WaitForReboot = "No"

    NoWaitAfterTextMode = 1

    NoWaitAfterGUIMode = 1

    DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore

    NonDriverSigningPolicy = Ignore

    Hibernation = "No"


    EncryptedAdminPassword = "No"

    AdminPassword = *

    TimeZone = 04

    OEMSkipRegional = 1

    OEMSkipWelcome = 1

    \$OEM$\cmdlines.txt (hidcon.exe is a better replacement for cmdow.exe)

    [COMMANDS]"hidcon.exe users.cmd"

    \$OEM$\users.cmd (below)


    NET USER user1 /ADD

    NET LOCALGROUP Administrators user1 /ADD

    NET USER user2 /ADD

    NET LOCALGROUP Administrators user2 /ADD

    NET USER user3 /ADD

    NET LOCALGROUP "Power Users" user3 /ADD


  2. I don't know if this helps at all, but I was also having troubles recently with v1.0.1. I went back and checked the source XPCD I was using and it had in fact already been nLite'd at one point simply to remove the Security Center + UXTHEME/TCPIP patches. This was where all of my problems lied within.

    I started out with a fresh original XP Pro cd, downloaded the network install of SP2, integrated that into the XP source, then used the Integrator to integrate the latest update pack from RyanVM (2.1.0) and numerous addons. Then I went through and did all of my nLite'ing using a brand new fresh config (deleted all previous presets from the /Presets/ folder).

    That is about all I can suggest... make sure it's a fresh XP source and dump all presets from the nLite dir and make a new one. When I was using 'Last Session', even though I had unclicked certain options (like Driver Integration/Make ISO/etc), it was still performing them! Because even though I had already integrated addons+update pack through RVMI and unclicked them in nLite, it was still attempting to integrate them and it was screwing everything up. I could still get through my XP install... none of the addons would work though.

    After starting over from scratch (new source+SP2 and no more presets), everything seems to be working fan-f***ing-tastic. Just a suggestion if you haven't already tried that... good luck!

  3. Sorry if this doesn't help, I don't fully understand.

    This was exactly what I needed... and I had tried something almost exactly like this, but forgot something and it went to hell. Thanks for the help. Only problems I'm having trouble with now is the %USERPROFILE% being recognized from a .cmd called from RunOnceEx. Big thanks though.

  4. Just tried both methods and addons are completely failing to install. Also it seems as though one of my commands being called from RunOnceEx isn't running either -- it's supposed to create some folders for me. %USERPROFILE% and %USERNAME% aren't being processed for some reason. p***ing me right off.

  5. I've been using the same base .ini in nLite for quite a while and all of my addons would get added correctly and all start menu shortcuts would be working fine. Now that I have upgraded to v1.0.1 (to support the latest .7z update pack -- still using CAB addons), it never works.

    Every time I try it under VMware, when it gets into windows my Start Menu is nice and bare (how it starts out)... none of my shortcuts are added in there. There should be 6 shortcuts in there, but it's not working. This is the only problem I am currently having.

    Is there some reason why the [addshortcutsection] I have for the addons' inf files wouldn't be processed? They're all added to SYSOC.INF (and they're all makecab'd -> addon.in_/addon.cab). All required entries for the addons are present in DOSNET.INF and TXTSETUP.SIF as well. I never had troubles until after upgrading to the latest nLite. I'll try integrating the Update Pack + Addons using RVMI 1.4 and see if that solves anything. But then I miss out on all of the tweaks/patches/removal :realmad:

    I tried about 6 different times yesterday to see if it was just something I was forgetting, but it failed to work any time I tried it. The addons themselves are being installed, but the ProfileItems = addon.AddShortcut and [addon.AddShortcut] section just don't seem to want to do anything :huh:

    Anybody have any clues?

  6. Okay, I know the registry key per-user is HKCU\Environment\Prompt to set the prompt value, but how would I go about actually setting a per-user prompt? I tried this... at T-12, in one of my .cmd files being called, this launches:

    REG ADD "HKCU\Environment" /v "PROMPT" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "$C%USERNAME%$F$S$P$G" /f

    For this sort of output:

    (username) C:\WINDOWS\system32

    Now, when I launch that at the T-12 stage, I don't think %USERNAME% is being evaluated at all, because I get () C:\WINDOWS\system32. The users are created in the .cmd file right before this one.

    Would I be better off setting a global prompt? Or should I add something to RunOnceEx to just force this in there?

  7. Alright, you know how WinRAR and other programs add their own little subsection to the context menu of certain extensions? Like this...

    WinRAR >


    | Extract files... |

    | Extract Here |

    | Extract to Archive\ |

    | Convert archive... |


    Well I wanted to know how to add something like this myself? Except I was going to add it only for certain filetypes...

    I was going to setup subsections for the following types:

    Image Files (.BMP/.JPG/.GIF/.PNG)

    Movie Files (.AVI/.WMV/.MPG)

    Text Files (.NFO/.DIZ/.SFV)

    How would I go about doing this? That part of registry editing is completely over my head, as I haven't really found a great resource explaining everything.

    I'm fairly sure this is quite a bit of reg tweaking involved here. Doesn't really matter what the commands are in the sub-menus, I just need a basic template to get me headed in the right direction.

    This is basically what I need:




    If I was using a commandline tool for all of these, how would I go about using the filename in the syntax?

    program -src="%1" -out="blah" -moreswitches

    Also, is it possible to get just the directory of file %1? Then I could use -out="%1dir\new\" for the output. If anything I said here seems retarded or doesn't make sense, I'll attempt to clarify... but that seems like the best way to describe everything. So, if anybody could help with this at all, that would kick a**. Thanks in advance!

  8. I thought it had something to do with LOGONUI, but I also thought I read something about the logon/logoff process and msgina.dll... that must have just been the icons. So that big blue one there, would be... either bitmap 123 or 127. What if I went and replaced bitmaps 123-127 with 1x1 24-bit bitmaps of the magic pink (#FF00FF)? It should make the logos/dividers transparent, correct? Can't hurt trying I guess... I'll edit this post later on after testing it out. Had a rough night, gonna run VMware and go sleep for a bit. Thanks for the help!

  9. I was able to modify everything else successfully (WINNTBBU.DLL, SHELL32.DLL, LOGONUI.EXE, EXPLORER.EXE)... but for some reason, after I switched up the bitmaps in MSGINA.DLL, I now get the following during the shutdown screen:


    Is there a bitmap in some file for that bugger? Or is that there because I turned on extended status messages? Or what?! It's annoying, as this is the last thing I have to figure out.

    If anybody could shed some light on the situation, that would be great :wacko:

  10. Removing the Security Center won't do an awful lot. It's mainly just a helpful tool to keep the three main things organized and up to date: Anti-Virus, Firewall, and Windows Updates. Removing it would just revert XP back to SP1 (letting you decide what is best for your system AV/FW-wise).

    I can't believe I missed Security Center there. I set other options in Operating System Options. Haha. I guess that's what I get for working on it late at night while stoned. Thanks for the help...

  11. I know this option used to be in there, because I would remove Security Center for every build I made. The build I am currently using has the Security Center removed. I haven't reinstalled XP in about a year now (usually I do this every couple of months). So I know the option was in there. Why was this removed? I just noticed last night the new version of nLite doesn't have that ability. The 'Security Center' component is simply missing. If the god **** registry tweak would work to disable Security Center, I'd be fine. Unfortunately it is not working though. This is what I am using currently:

    > cmdlines.txt


    "rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection nLite.inf,nLiteReg"

    "REGEDT32.EXE /S tweaks.reg"

    And now for the actual registry tweak file:

    > tweaks.reg

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    ; Windows Security Center

    ;; disable Security Center



    ;; disable anti-virus notifications

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center]


    ;; disable firewall notifications

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center]


    Disabling the notifications seems to work fine, but disabling the actual service does not seem to work. If there is a way to fully remove Security Center from the source, that would rule. Possibly remove the .cpl? But then I'd probably have to do some modiyfing to txtsetup and dosnet. Or if anybody knows the ACTUAL registry key to disable this crap, that would also be very handy. Or, if for some reason the ability to disable/remove Windows Security Center still exists in nLite and I somehow managed to miss it, could someone please fill me in? Thanks a lot in advance.

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