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Easy Renaming Hotfix files to KBXXXXXX.exe

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I have not posted much, but I have enjoyed all the information about making unattended Windows CD's here.

I was annoyed at renaming the KBXXXXXX.exe files to update my svpack.inf file

I wrote a little perl script to auto rename files once you download them. I know most of you

already probably had a solution to this. I am just starting perl so if you find any better to the solutions or suggestions

feel free to comment. Hope this may help some one.


#!C:\PERL -w
#### Written by kypumper feel free to modify or comment ####################
#### email suggestions to kyumper+msfn@gmail.com ###########################

### uncomment the chdir function if you want to specify a dir where you hotfix files are located otherwise run this ###
### script in the same dir as your hotfix files. ############
#chdir ("New Ones") || die "cannot change dir: ($!)";
@oldfiles = glob "Windows*.*";

### This Loop matches files that match "KB and have digits that follow" ######
### then extracts just that part of the filename so the oldfiles array can ##
### be renamed with the newfiles array. ######################################
foreach (@oldfiles) {
$_ =~ /(KB[\d]+)/;
$newfiles[$i] = "$1.exe";

##### Testing to see if file exists ########
if (-e $newfiles[$i]) {
warn "Can't rename $oldfiles[$i] to $newfiles[$i] exists \n"; }

##### Renaming File and printing a success indication ###########
elsif (rename $oldfiles[$i], $newfiles[$i]) {
print "Renaming $oldfiles[$i] to $newfiles[$i] \n";

##### Warning if program cannot rename files ######
else { warn "rename $oldfiles[$i] to $newfiles[$i] failed: ($!) \n";

### Increments thru the arrays ######
### End of foreach loop #############

#### Warns if No Files were parsed ############
if ($match < 1) {
print"No Files Matched to parse! \n";

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I have never used a perl script but here a VBS script that will rename the KB

Save As ReNameKB.vbs

On Error Resume Next 
Const OverwriteExisting = True
Dim Fso : Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'/-> If You Are Running The Script In The Same Folder
Dim Folder : Set Folder = Fso.GetFolder(Fso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName))
'/-> If You Want To Add A Full Path Comment Out The Above And Use Below In Between The Quotes
Dim File : Set File = Folder.Files
Dim Rn1,StrF
For Each StrF In File
If InStr(StrF.Path,"KB") Or InStr(StrF.Path,"Kb") Or InStr(StrF.Path,"kb") Then
If InStr(StrF.Name,"-") Then
Rn1 = Split(StrF.Name,"-")
Fso.CopyFile(StrF.Name),(Rn1(1) & ".exe"),OverwriteExisting
End If
End If

Edited by gunsmokingman
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that script you wrote is much shorter than mine.

I can update my script to automaticaaly generate the svcpack.inf file also

if anyone would be interested.

Edited by KYPUMPER
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Well before it gets even more complicated, here's a batch file version.

FOR /F "DELIMS=" %%? IN ('DIR/B/A-D *KB*.EXE') DO CALL :GI_ %%?
SET "N_=%1"
SET "N_=%N_:*-=%"
SET "N_=%N_:~0,8%.exe"

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Well before it gets even more complicated, here's a batch file version.
FOR /F "DELIMS=" %%? IN ('DIR/B/A-D *KB*.EXE') DO CALL :GI_ %%?
SET "N_=%1"
SET "N_=%N_:*-=%"
SET "N_=%N_:~0,8%.exe"

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Here is a VBS Script I wrote because I was bored it will Rename the KB in any folder on the computer.

Since this is a WMI VBS Script it can be ran across networks to Rename the Updates.

To Run this against a Network Computer

Change This

Dim StrC :StrC = "."

To This


Save As RenameKB_V1.vbs

Const OverwriteExisting = True 
Dim StrC :StrC = "."
Dim Wmi :Set Wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strC & "\root\cimv2")
Dim Fso :Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim File, KB1, KB2, KB3, StrF
Set File = Wmi.ExecQuery(_
"Select * from CIM_DataFile WHERE FileName LIKE 'WindowsXP-KB%%%%%%' And Extension = 'exe'")
For Each StrF In File
Set KB1 = Fso.GetFile(StrF.Name)
KB2 = Split(KB1.Name,"-")
KB3 = Fso.GetParentFolderName(KB1.Path) & "\" & KB2(1) & ".exe"

This one I added a message box that will report either no files where Renamed or how many where Renamed.

Save As RenameKB_V2.vbs

Const OverwriteExisting = True 
Dim StrC :StrC = "."
Dim Wmi :Set Wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strC & "\root\cimv2")
Dim Fso :Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim Act :Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Dim File, KB1, KB2, KB3, StrF
Set File = Wmi.ExecQuery(_
"Select * from CIM_DataFile WHERE FileName LIKE 'WindowsXP-KB%%%%%%' And Extension = 'exe'")
For Each StrF In File
Set KB1 = Fso.GetFile(StrF.Name)
KB2 = Split(KB1.Name,"-")
KB3 = Fso.GetParentFolderName(KB1.Path) & "\" & KB2(1) & ".exe"
If File.Count = 0 Then
Act.Popup "There Where No Updates Found To Rename",9,"No Updates",4128
Act.Popup "Completed Rename Of Updates" & vbCrLf & _
"This Many Updates where Rename : " & File.Count,9,"Rename KB",4128
End If

Yzöwl nice batch file :thumbup

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There is of course a small mistake in it, more to do with input checking than anything else, but I couldn't be bothered changing it.


Because I wanted to have the 'smallest looking script' on offer without concatenating lines, and that change would have made it look a little bit longer!

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Yzöwl, I ran into some issues with it the other day. First off, it doesn't behave nicely with hotfixes named IE7-WindowsXP-KBxxx. I ended up a file named WindowsX.exe. Second, is it possible the code you posted doesn't always handle multiple EXEs properly? I ran it in a dir with 5 or 6 hotfixes in it and it properly renamed the first EXE just fine, but it didn't touch the rest.

Basically, I've adapted your code with some code to go through a directory and expand all the hotfixes after renaming them, so I can run the batch file in a directory of standard as-downloaded EXEs and be left with a nice directory of KBxxxxxx folders instead :)

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You are intent on me making this thing bigger aren't you?

I will take a look at improving this thing as soon as I get a little time.

As far as the multiple EXEs go, there shouldn't be a problem, my initial test, (singular), seemed okay, but there was no 'real' testing done on it. I'll give the tidied version a go first and test it a little before reposting it here.

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Yzöwl, I ran into some issues with it the other day. First off, it doesn't behave nicely with hotfixes named IE7-WindowsXP-KBxxx. I ended up a file named WindowsX.exe. Second, is it possible the code you posted doesn't always handle multiple EXEs properly? I ran it in a dir with 5 or 6 hotfixes in it and it properly renamed the first EXE just fine, but it didn't touch the rest.

Basically, I've adapted your code with some code to go through a directory and expand all the hotfixes after renaming them, so I can run the batch file in a directory of standard as-downloaded EXEs and be left with a nice directory of KBxxxxxx folders instead :)

Try this script it should work, it will Rename any updates on any drive or folder on the local computer.

This can be run from your desktop.

Const OverwriteExisting = True 
Dim StrC :StrC = "."
Dim Wmi :Set Wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strC & "\root\cimv2")
Dim Fso :Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim Act :Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Dim File, KB1, KB2, KB3, StrF
Set File = Wmi.ExecQuery(_
"Select * from CIM_DataFile WHERE FileName LIKE '%-KB%%%%%%' And Extension = 'exe'")
For Each StrF In File
Set KB1 = Fso.GetFile(StrF.Name)
KB2 = Split(KB1.Name,"-")
KB3 = Fso.GetParentFolderName(KB1.Path) & "\" & KB2(1) & ".exe"
If File.Count = 0 Then
Act.Popup "There Where No Updates Found To Rename",9,"No Updates",4128
Act.Popup "Completed Rename Of Updates" & vbCrLf & _
"This Many Updates where Rename : " & File.Count,9,"Rename KB",4128
End If

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