karnokd Posted March 24, 2007 Posted March 24, 2007 (edited) Hello,I've created a bootable Windows XP SP2 hungarian image with all patches released since September 2004 + Added IE7 and when trying out in Virtual PC 2007 the installer seems to loop infinitely at the "Registering Components" phase. It says that setup will take 13 minutes - for nearly 2 hours long and counting...Is it an error or I am too inpatient? (Actually my machine isn't so fast but the previous phases finished in correct time.)My last session ini:[Main]Env = 1.3 - 2.0.50727.42.Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Szervizcsomag 2Target = Windows XP Professional SP:2 - 5.1.2600.2180 - Hungarian[Tasks]Service Pack IntegrationUnattended SetupIntegrate DriversHotfixes and Update PacksTweaksCreate a Bootable ISOOptions[Components];# Kompatibilitás #[KeepFiles]msconfig.exe[RemoveFiles]clock.aviyahoo.bmpswtchbrd.bmp[Options]ProfilesDir = "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings"TargetPath = "WINDOWS"temp_dir = %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\TempAdvTweaks[Patches][Services2][Tweaks]Asztal-Dokumentumok ikon-MutatAsztal-Hálózati helyek ikon-MutatAsztal-Internet Explorer ikon-MutatAsztal-Lomtár ikon-MutatAsztal-Sajátgép ikon-MutatBiztonság-KépernyÅ‘kímélÅ‘ jelszóvédelmének bekapcsolása-EngedélyezveInternet Explorer-KezdÅ‘lap beállítása-about:blankInternet Explorer-Nincs értesítÅ‘csík az elÅ‘ugró ablak blokkolásánálInternet Explorer-Vásárlási helyek 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Edited March 24, 2007 by karnokd
Nighted Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 (edited) You're not the only one. This has been happening to me....about 5 times now. I thought it had something do to with addons, but you don't seem to have any included in your install. Removing the CD from the drive causes the install to finish nearly immediately and as far as I can tell, this has no detrimental effect on the install.Ok, I did a couple more installs. I've removed all the addons I have but kept every hotfix and all my drivers. There's still a bit of a hang at 13 minutes, although I'm sure that's normal and now I'm just very aware of it. Anyway, after removing the addons, it works now. These are the addons I was using (from winaddons.com or something).7-Zip [4.42].cabClipX [].cabFirefox [].cabGOM Player [].cabImgBurn [].cabTaskSwitchXP [2.0.11].cabUnlocker [1.8.5].cabI think the culprit for me could be the Firefox or ImgBurn addon, but instead of testing this I'm just going to install these things after the OS is installed from now on.I also have the ASUS P5B btw... Edited March 25, 2007 by Nighted
karnokd Posted March 25, 2007 Author Posted March 25, 2007 Leaving out everything (having just up to SP2) doesn't stop at 13 minutes. Maybe I have too many patches (~130) or the added drivers make something in the Virtual PC.
albsip Posted March 26, 2007 Posted March 26, 2007 I have the same problem too.With nlite I add just the service pack and the hotgfix released by Microsoft up to now.AND I GOT THE PROBLEM. ****!I suppose it's a BUG of nliteI had a previous cd made with nlite 1.3rc2 in january (with all the hotfix of MS at that time) and it works. Can it be that thye problem we speak about is related to the new hotfix of MS released in february or in march???Thank you for the help
Coustal Posted March 26, 2007 Posted March 26, 2007 I have the same problem using either 1.3RC2 or final.Just adding all the post SP2 hotfixes up to february 2007 for IE6, Outlook Express, WMP9 and XP itself works. But it works far slower than before. It takes at least 2 hours to complete to 'registering components' step, where it used to takes a few minutes with 1.3RC2 and hotfixes up to january 2007.Now adding some addons (like IE7 or wmp11) on top of that completely hangs the install. I did not want to leave it more than 1 day to see if it would complete the install.I had noticed one time that removing the CD made the install continue. But I don't know how to confirm that every thing is installed correctly, so I don't trust it.I was wondering if nLiting from an already nLited windows setup could lead to such problems, so if nLite must be run from an original and complete windows setup. If someone can state on this.I'm also concerned about the fact that nLite does not retreive the previous changes correctly. When I reload the previous changes I selected I always get the same keyboards not removed as I asked, some unattended settings and some tweaks not applied. This does not make me confident in the changes applied to the setup files.
Mandarin Posted March 26, 2007 Posted March 26, 2007 It is a microsoft bug, not an nLite one and has been mentioned before on this board. It only occurs when you have a lot of addons (can't remember what number was quoted right now).I get the same problem and use about 125 addons as well as Ryans addon pack.Takes around 2 hours in VM Ware but is quicker in a real machine, which is a bit odd cos it always used to be the other way round.No addons and the install flys along, same as always.
Coustal Posted March 26, 2007 Posted March 26, 2007 Do you consider hotfixes as addons? If yes ok there are near of 200. If no it takes 2 hours under Virtual PC 2007 only with the hotfixes.Then I added around 10 addons and I stopped the VM after 1 day doing nothing. I never tried addons before 1.3 final, but with hotfixes there is a big regression because it never took 2 hours at this step before. I hardly image it is a windows bug because when I only add the hotfixes up to january (like I did with 1.3RC2) under it still takes 2 hour to go over this step.
Nighted Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 (edited) In my case, this only occurs when using addons (silent installs). I have no problems at all installing XP with all my hotfixes and the addons removed. I have ~110 hotfixes and the install certainly takes no longer than 30 minutes.Maybe if the nLite could integrate the hotfixes into the original windows cd before removing the chosen components, this problem would go away. I only had a few addons I wanted to use anyway, and really, they don't take that long to install afterwards. In the future I may unpack the original installers and create new ones from scratch. This may solve the problem altogether. Another benefit of this is that I could add any registry entries needed with each installer. But really, this would take more time initially then just installing them, although once the scripts were created then upgrading them in the future would be relatively simple. Edited March 27, 2007 by Nighted
mushu13 Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 This is not limited to nlited installs, it happens when I install with a completely un-modified XP SP2 disk.
albsip Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 To MandarinThis Microsoft bug makes Nlite useless.....What a shame.I have to look for a new program that can help me integrating hotfix (and service pack9 in the windows' cd...
Nighted Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 nLite is not useless...as a matter of fact, I've never had this happen with the original install cd. Only when using addons. All of my hotfixes integrate with no problems. You should also remember that the original Windows install warns you that the install could possible freeze, and for me, this happened with the nLite version. As I mentioned before, just open your cd tray and close it again and your install with resume. I noticed no glitches in the install doing this. The only problem I have with it is that the term "unattended install" becomes moot.
albsip Posted April 6, 2007 Posted April 6, 2007 nLite is not useless...as a matter of fact, I've never had this happen with the original install cd. Only when using addons. All of my hotfixes integrate with no problems. You should also remember that the original Windows install warns you that the install could possible freeze, and for me, this happened with the nLite version. As I mentioned before, just open your cd tray and close it again and your install with resume. I noticed no glitches in the install doing this. The only problem I have with it is that the term "unattended install" becomes moot.Even in this way I cannot install windows correctly. It's a big problem. Nlite got useless... :-(
embe Posted April 14, 2007 Posted April 14, 2007 Guys, here is the same problem, using nLite 1.3 final. I think this is caused by one of latest hotfixes. I think it is probably KB905474 but not sure...we'll do some test and let you know. Btw registering components takes cca 20 minutes or 30 but everything works fine here.
mia0u! Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Hi guys,I've been working on the same problem since a few hours. I've tried to make addons unsilenced, and it appears that their install are in an infinite loop. All my addons keep installing themselves in a loop (Acrobat Reader 8, firefox, thunderbird, vlc, java runtime environment, nod32, winrar). Anyone from nLite team can help ?
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